If you receive a lot of mail daily and you don’t want them to accumulate while you’re traveling, then you should definitely find an alternative way to handle them while you're away. Many people recommend that you put your mail on hold when you're going on a business trip or a vacation. The U.S. postal service provides hold mail service for a minimum of 3 days and a maximum of 30 days, which means that it only works for one month, and this option may not be very efficient for those who travel for longer periods of time. It's only beneficial to put your mail on hold if you're traveling, and you don't want to come home to a pile of letters. But you won’t be able to check it while you’re away.
Here are some smart ways to handle your mail:
Renting a PO Box
If you live in an area where mail is not delivered to your home directly, then renting a PO box can be your best option. A post office box is a secured mailbox at the PO station. Renting one will allow you to receive mail faster, and it will give you complete privacy as you won't need to share your personal address. However, by renting a PO box and making it your permanent mailbox address, you won't be able to receive post from other carriers other than USPS.
Virtual Mailbox
A virtual mailbox is also known as a virtual address; it's a service that allows you to manage all your mail through any device. You will be able to receive, forward, shred, or discard them no matter where you are. A virtual mailbox is a commercial address that’s linked to your personal mailbox number, which allows you to manage your mail as easily as using your email. Any reliable virtual mailbox company contains several plans based on the amount of mail you receive. This way, you will no longer need to wonder how you’ll handle your mail while you’re traveling, because you’ll be accessing them online using any device. And all virtual mailbox companies offer complete privacy and security when it comes to scanning your private documents, so you don’t need to worry about that either. By using virtual mailbox, you will be able to receive mail from all carriers, and not just USPS.
Forward Mail
Mail forwarding service is a good and easy option, especially when you're traveling for a month or two and don't want to miss any important notice. Many companies offer to forward a hard copy of your mail wherever you are. That way, you are able to enjoy your trip without worrying about missing out on anything.
Whether you don't want to expose your personal address or you travel a lot, these ways can help you handle your mail easily. If you own a business, then a virtual mailbox will be the perfect solution for you, as it provides you with a professional business address that you can use for your company. On the other hand, mail forwarding can be an ideal choice for those who prefer having a hard copy of their mail.