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Twitter for Business: Go for It

21 Jan 2020 Developer News
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Everybody loves Twitter today. From seniors to teens, users love to tweet and share content using the network. And what matters the most for influencers and businesses is the number of Twitter followers they have. Without them, these people would have no interactions. And their accounts would be dead. The same happens with companies with no fans in their accounts. Those that have no online presence are virtual strangers. That is why businesses have decided to create a Twitter account for them. Instead of using personal profiles, they try to build up a fanbase of Twitter followers to make their firms more famous. As this takes time, many prefer to buy Twitter followers to grow faster, while others do it organically. Let’s take a look at some other reasons why creating accounts for a business is a sound idea.


1- It’s a Good Channel for Offers

Twitter is a social network that makes money. From 2011 to 2019, it amounted to 820 million in the USA. Very impressive. So, it’s only natural to use the platform for business. And it is very wise to promote the company’s activity here. For example, special discounts and offers are a perk nobody wants to miss. They are great strategies to get more clients and knowing about more leads. Now, Twitter is a nice channel for viral campaigns. In particular, if followers then retweet the companies’ ads or pictures. Plus, it is very easy to track down the engagement of the campaign. And to get to know if it is a success or not. In case the owner needs to change the strategy, they can do so right on time.

Tip: Social media managers just need to remember and keep in mind the best times to post. It’s not the same schedule for companies with clients in Europe than those in the USA.


2- It Is Effective for Customer Support

Today, people use their cellphones and social media all the time. Long behind are the times when everyone preferred to call the company when they needed something. These days, a client would just post a complaint about something on their social media walls. Even if Twitter only has a limited number of characters to use. Or they will send out a private message to the official site of the business.

This is when the customer care team comes into action. They are the ones in charge of answering every message. And they are also the people who will make the company stand out. For example, if there is an angry client because of faulty products, then employees have to take action. One great thing to do is to give customers a refund or a discount for future products within the company. So, it’s crucial that owners get ready for this. Hiring agents that can answer every message or Tweet is important for several reasons:

  • Because of timing. An angry customer needs to be calm quickly or it will run the company down. A bad reputation is difficult to erase in the future.
  • Visibility. Good comments and mentions are also a thing nobody should forget about. And keeping clients happy is a great step to take towards this goal.


3- Connect With Influencers

These people today have an influence on the world. Those working in the makeup industry, for example, know how crucial it is to show their products around. And what better way is there than doing so using social media? First, reaching out using Twitter’s private messages is a nice strategy to consider. Second, using hashtags and mentions is another step to becoming more popular. Build up relationships with leaders and consider it an investment. Niches like selling products will be the ones with more benefits.


4- Access Content Posted by Users

Sometimes, it is really hard to come up with things to post. Twitter accounts for business are just like personal ones. The owner needs to keep it active. Or else, everyone will forget about them. But what should one post every day? It’s not an easy task. Luckily, customers can access what their followers post and retweet them if these images or texts are fun.This is a great way to create engagement, too. To run a successful campaign, it is also necessary to create a good brand image. This includes crafting hashtags, designing pictures, and more.


5- Use the Posts to Make the Business Succeed

Keep the content light and interesting. But, of course, every tweet needs to have some relation to the business at hand. So, it is not a great idea to just post offers or things about the company all the time. Instead, speaking to the clients directly can be a better strategy. For example, there are ways to create raffles with pictures that ask users to share bits about their lives. Or even funny events that others can find relatable. Let’s take a sandwich shop as an example. Those who want to keep their business Twitter account interesting have a number of strategies. For example, the managers can research the history of the sandwich and make an infographic. Then, these people can look for an interesting video about these food options when having dinner. Finally, including a special offer will also come in handy. There are a great number of tactics to include. Companies just have to keep on trying until they find the one they are looking for.


All in all, using this social media network for doing business is a smart move. Both small and big companies will find many benefits of using Twitter. Some reasons for success are customer support and promotions, but there is so much more. Such as establishing a presence, for example. Using these platforms today seems to be one of the best tactics to truly connect with clients. Posting interesting stories, for instance, is crucial to keep people interested in the brand. Twitter is also a good channel to stay updated and let users say positive things about the company. Those thinking whether to create this type of account should doubt no more. Using a business profile is a high-quality strategy that will bring in more customers and will keep existing ones happy.


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