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How Do You Promote Your Brand On Twitter?

22 Mar 2021 Developer News
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There are lots of businesses that have jumped on social media platforms. Some may have goods, and others might be offering services to their customers. With the increasing number of people on the same media, they, later on, came up with an idea to create the respective brands that would differentiate them from each other.

Defining a brand

A brand refers to slogans and logos to increase the business’s exposure and attract their target market to patronize their products and services. These companies could even be inclined to utilize several marketing tools such as applications that could download Twitter following any public accounts list.

Why you should focus on promoting on Twitter

Twitter is home to over 330 million people worldwide and has created a space for thousands of companies to succeed. This paves the way to connect enterprises with their audience and expand their network.

Moreover, Twitter has stated that their company is looking forward to lending a hand to these businesses by promoting their brand on the platform free of charge and increasing the business’s reputation to reach new audiences.

According to the Nielsen Brand Effect, brands established on Twitter have seen a surge in their marketing funnels between 2015 and 2018. Data have shown a 3% rise in the purchase intent of customers, an increase of 8% in brand awareness, and an additional 7% for brand preference. Similarly, the companies have also noticed an outstanding 18% growth in their message association.

How could you set an edge over your competitors?

1.You have to set up your profile.

To do this, you will have to use a professional headshot photo of you or the logo of your business before adding a header that could be either fun or catchy to your audience.

2.Create a bio that stands out.

This means that you would have to be straightforward and witty to keep your reader’s attention. Give a brief explanation of your background. Then present some relevant achievements that would showcase your field expertise to establish trust between you and your target market.

3.Study the Twitter algorithm.

Just like any other technology, Twitter still depends on its set pattern. Of course, you could hire an expert to do the hard work for you or learn it yourself. Either way, you have to know which of the two would help you elevate your brand.

There are various applications that you could use to implement this strategy. Some examples would be Buffer or Hootsuite, where you’ll be able to schedule your posts during the peak hours of 12 pm to 6 pm.

4.Create different engaging content.

You should include videos and images in your posts to increase engagement with your followers. Most people would trust more once the proofs or further information on a specific brand and its services are available.

5.Utilize hashtags.

Lastly, you could try to use hashtags to help your post rise to the platform’s top position. You could find the best hashtags by using tools like RiteTag and Hashtagify. Then combine this with exerting efforts on collaborating with influencers.                                                                       

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