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pCloud Is a Cloud Storage Solution with Lifetime Subscriptions, Client-Side Encryption, and More

17 Jun 2021 Developer News
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When you’re in the market for a product or service, it’s always wise to go to a specialist.

A dedicated greengrocer is always better than the vegetable aisle in your local corner store. A pair of glasses that you get from an eye doctor will always be better for your eyes than some glasses you pick off a stand at the drugstore.

Likewise, if you’re looking for a cloud storage solution you don’t have to settle for the one that comes bundled with your Microsoft, Apple, or Google account. There are companies that do it much better.

pCloud is one of them. This Switzerland-based tech company offers a comprehensive cloud storage platform with an emphasis on security and value for money.

The basics are all there, of course. You can upload, store, retrieve, and share files from your mobile or desktop computer, sync with other clouds, create personalised share links, track changes in real time, view weeks’ worth of previous versions, and much more.

There’s even a media player for listening to the music on your cloud - and that includes the music you create. pCloud has a dedicated landing page for musicians looking to use the platform to store and share their work.

Plus, pCloud has a few ace cards up its sleeve. For one thing, it’s the only cloud storage solution that offers a lifetime subscription for a single payment, whether you’re signing up for yourself, your family, or your business.

For another, pCloud is the only service that features a Crypto folder. No, it’s not a wallet for your Dogecoin. It’s a client-side encryption service that lets you keep your personal documents locked away. Not even pCloud’s employees can see your stuff.

In fact, pCloud is so confident in the impregnability of its encryption that it recently offered a $100,000 reward to anybody who could hack its software. Nobody managed it.

pCloud is also one of the most affordable cloud storage services on the market. You can get up to 10GB for free, while a massive 500GB will cost you less than four bucks a month. $175 will bag you storage for life.

To check it out, download pCloud for free right now on the App Store and the Google Play Store.

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