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This fitness app offers an awesome balance between fitness and social media. With its community of 150,000 people and counting, and full vocal coaching on a variety of more than 500 exercises, you’re sure to find everything in the PumpUp gym app that you need to, well, pump up! Along with fitness, sleep is also equally important and cannot be side-lined if you want to stay fit. You need to have a good sleep, some sleeptracker apps may help you track your sleep.
The best calorie counter apps for iPhone and iPadI like the way the developer has laid things out in the interface of this workout app. Being able to jump straight into creating a customized workout based on your own goals and preferences certainly makes this a powerful addition to your health and fitness arsenal.
If you’re looking to get into shape for the new year but you don’t really know where to start, I don’t think you can go too far astray with PumpUp health app for iPhone and iPad.
One thing that struck me aboutPumpUp - Health & Fitness Community is something that might sound very simple, but is crucial to a decent user experience, in my opinion. Upon starting up the app you’ll be greeted by Pat the fitness coach.
The best crossfit apps for iPadFrom here, you can jump straight into the self-explanatory seven-step process for setting up your workout.
The reason I really like the way this has been done is that I’ve seen so many similar Health & Fitness apps which throw users in at the deep end, with an overly elaborate interface, 20 different features to choose from, and no clear instructions provided. Without laboring the point, it’s great to see things so clearly laid-out!
With each step, you can specify your goals, level of fitness, and how long you’d like each workout to last. You can also select where you’ll be exercising, as well as what equipment you’ll have available to you, and which muscle groups you’d like to target.
The best self help apps for iPhone and iPadFrom here, you’ll need to sign up for a user account, but this is seamlessly integrated into the setup process and you can use either your Facebook account or email address to have it done within seconds.
The social elements of this app are very similar to what you would expect from Facebook, and integrating it with your actual Facebook account makes it wonderfully easy to invite and add your friends. Information is presented in a typical timeline or news feed format also.
PumpUp is one of the best apps of its kind that I’ve used on my iPhone. The social media elements really take this app to new heights, and I can really see it being a huge motivating factor for a lot of people. I would definitely recommend checking this app out if you want a little extra motivation and accountability.
Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.