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Characters >> 500+ symbols app review: handy symbols and characters you can use in emails, notes, text messages, and Whatsapp



What we have here is a simple collection of symbols and characters that you can use to add a little extra life to your emails, text messages, and Whatsapp conversations. If your chats have been a little boring lately, then you’ll definitely want to keep this app handy on your iPhone and iPad.

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This is a very simple app which has a very simple purpose, and there are countless equivalent apps offering more or less the same functions in the Utilities category of the App Store.

With this in mind, I would at least hope that this app be up to scratch with the competition, so let’s take a look at what Characters >> 500+ symbols has to offer to see if it is worth the download.

Characters >> 500+ symbols


Show a Little Character

To give you some idea of the kind of symbols and characters you can expect to find in Characters >> 500+ symbols, here is an excerpt from the iTunes description page:

  • ➢ Bullets 
  • ➜ Arrows 
  • ❺ Funny Digits 
  • ⟳ uʍop ǝpısdn
  • ❍ ⓑⓤⓑⓑⓛⓔⓢ Bubble Font 
  • ♚ Chess Pieces 
  • ☂ Weather Symbols 
  • ≠ Mathematical Symbols 
  • ℃/℉ Celsius / Fahrenheit 
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So as you can see, there certainly is a wide selection of characters to choose from, and all of the various types of characters are conveniently split up into different categories. You can browse these categories by tapping the dark gray icons running along the middle of the main interface.


Spruce Up Your Chats With Ease

You can of course type using regular letters and numbers as well, so this app is ideal for piecing together a novel message for your friend before copying it to your clipboard and then pasting it into your chat, be it on Facebook, Whatsapp, Viber, or any other online service.

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In addition to simply copying symbols and characters to your clipboard, you can also tap the arrow icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen to share your creations with your friends and family online via email and text message.


Characters >> 500+ symbols


Pros and Cons


  • A handy collection of symbols and characters you can use in e-mails, notes, text messages and Whatsapp
  • Easily copy symbols to your clipboard to paste them into instant messaging chats
  • Share your text creations with others online via email and text message
  • Symbols are conveniently categorized to make for easier browsing



  • There is nothing negative to say about this app


Final Words

Characters >> 500+ symbols definitely seems to get the job done rather efficiently, and the simplistic interface and full instructions that are displayed upon first starting up the app definitely serve to reinforce this.

This app is definitely a worthy addition to anyone’s iPhone and iPad, so be sure to check it out and start adding a little zest to your chats and text messages!


Characters >> 500+ symbols

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.