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Disney Classics Collection app review: bring the classics to them



Kids just seem to go ga-ga over anything related to Disney. The Disney Classics Collection app is a great way to bring the magic of Disney to them through interactive and activity-filled books. Here they will get to read about Bambi, Snow White, the Aristocats, Dumbo, and plenty more. It’s a full collection of the classics. 

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Disney Classics Collection


Mixing the Old with the New

This app does a wonderful job of mixing the old with the new. You are given the original stories, with the vintage artwork, but you are also given a variety of modern elements like animations, activities, games, and interactive elements. It’s a way of making these books feel engaging and fun rather than tired and old. Now it should be noted in this free version you are only given one book for free: Dumbo. You can purchase more stories for $1.99 each or all of them in one purchase for $3.99. The free book is a great place to start, learn about the app, and discover all its fun elements.

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In the most recent update of the app some minor bugs were fixed for an improved user experience. The app has a 3.5 star customer rating so it could definitely still do with some improvements it seems.

Mixing the Old with the New image

Enhance the Reading Experience

All the new and modern features are meant to enhance the reading experience for kids and in that regard I think the app is quite successful. Things such as coloring pages, games, animations, puzzles, music, and more take the stories to the next level. Many of these activities are also great for brushing up on skills such as improving memory, comprehension, and focusing on detail.

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I have come across a few issues using this app: I have had it freeze and crash on me and it can be very slow to actually load. Both of these will obviously cause kids to lose interest. Perhaps this is just an isolated problem as I haven’t come across user comments stating the same. Quite the contrary; parents seem to be quite pleased with this offering.

The app itself is child-friendly and reading through the book and taking part in the games and activities are fun and engaging for them. The animations are really well done and appeal to even the youngest of readers.

Enhance the Reading Experience image

Disney Classics Collection


Pros and Cons


  • Features the vintage illustrations
  • Breathes life into the classics
  • Features activities, games, animations, music, and interactive elements


  • Only one book is offered for free
  • The app has crashed and frozen on me multiple times
  • The content can be slow to load

Pros and Cons image

Final Thoughts

I really enjoy the Disney Classics Collection app for your iPad, iPod touch, and iPhone and feel as though it provides a wonderful look at these books that parents probably grew up reading.

Disney Classics Collection

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