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Craving to Quit app review: kick the habit for good
For those people trying to quit the habit - the habit of smoking that is - they know better than anyone about what an uphill battle it can be. The Craving to Quit program has been designed to help you quit smoking by using a 21-day program. This program was actually put together and tested at Yale University. You can use it on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone and it may just bring about the results you have been craving: and that's to finally stop smoking.
The best iPhone apps for quitting smoking
Plenty of Scientific Support
Obviously there is no guaranteed program, as each person is going to be different and therefore react in his or her own individual way. What this program offers, however, is the benefit of being developed and put through clinical trials at Yale University. This isn't your average quit smoking app as this one actually has medical stats behind it.
Best iphone and ipad appsWhen you download the app you are given a free two-day trial to test it out and see what it's all about. If you want to proceed with the 21-day program it requires an in-app purchase of $99. When I first saw the price I was a bit taken aback but the more you think about it, the more it seems like it is worth it. Just think how much you’ll save by not buying cigarettes anymore, as likely this program will pay for itself within the first month. This app has recently been updated with a number of small bug fixes and performance enhancements. There is currently no customer rating given for it.

Using the App
While I can't comment on the results of the program, because again it is dependent on the individual, I can comment on the way the app has been designed and how it is delivered. There are plenty of features here to help guide you through the program including a daily cigarette tracker, daily check-in reminders so you don't have to remember on your own, the ability to set your own daily goals, and daily playlists with audio and video. Each night you can use the night reflection to help keep you motivated. I really like that the app takes a daily approach so it seems a bit less overwhelming. Taking things one day at a time is clearly much easier than trying to look at the full picture at once.
The way the program works is that as you use it you will begin to cut back on your cigarettes smoked until you are at zero per day. Again this is done with the “one step at a time” approach.

Pros and Cons
- The app is easy to use
- Takes a one-step-at-a-time approach to quitting
- The 21-day program was created and tested at Yale University
- Can be customized to you
- You are only given the first two days for free

Final Thoughts
The Craving to Quit app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone as a way of quitting smoking for once and for all.