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GPS Driving Route app review: quick and simple driving directions



GPS Driving Route by VirtualMaze is a navigation app that will help you reach your location easily and quickly. The app allows you to set a target location and then it will show you on a map the directions you'll need to follow. The app was released on May 31, 2013 and is available in English.

GPS Driving Route


User Experience

When you launch the app you'll be able to enter in a location and then you're able to view the map in standard, satellite, or hybrid mode. After typing in a location, results can be a bit slow to display, but when they do come up the user interface is very clean and concise so that the directions are easy to follow.

The directions are quite straightforward but some users may find the app difficult to work with. The information was very slow to appear on the screen. The free version of the app does have ads in it, which pop up quite often while you’re trying to plot your route and look at directions.

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Screenshot 1


Features of this app include the ability to use an accurate and easy-to-follow navigation system for free. The app uses GPS location so that you can rely on the directions you've been given. With the driving route it displays your target location along with route information so you will reach your destination with ease.

What's really fun is the driving speed that is displayed when you're on the compass page. The driving speed can be displayed in MPH or KPH, whichever you prefer.

When you tap on the screen you’ll be able to zoom in for more detail. The detail is actually rather impressive even when zoomed in tight.

To add locations just make a long press on the map page. Go ahead and change the target location by dragging your pin around the page.


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Screenshot 2

GPS Driving Route


In-App Purchases

There is an in-app purchase to remove the ads for $2.99.

Update Info

There are no updates available at this time.

Customer Ratings and Feedback Comments

The app doesn't have enough ratings for iTunes to display an average.

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Screenshot 3

Personal Comments by Reviewer

I found this app left me feeling lukewarm. While it had some good qualities and features about it, there were also some negatives that didn’t leave me impressed. Any location I typed in it was able to find, but it was slow to display most locations. As well, using the pins and then moving them around was tedious and not as easy as the instructions let on.

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Screenshot 4

Pros and Cons


  • Navigation system gives you three different map views
  • Type in any location to find
  • Plot your route using pins and then view the route
  • Displays your current driving speed


  • Is not easy to use
  • Information is slow to display
  • In-app purchase to remove ads is pricey

For: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad with iOS 4.3 or later. GPS Driving Route is optimized for iPhone 5.

GPS Driving Route

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