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How to Fix a Slow Web Application

18 Jun 2020 Developer News
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In today’s digital world, website speed is vital to stay competitive. If your website is slow, your company will be less productive, negatively impacting your profits or brand. People expect nearly instant results online. For example, if an e-commerce site doesn’t load quickly, you’ll likely lose revenue. Your customer might take their business elsewhere, like to a competitor. Whether it’s a mobile application or a custom website, ensuring quality user experience will help ensure it’s successful.

Troubleshooting a Slow Application

When your site is slow, it’s a big deal. Even if there’s just a few seconds delay in the loading time, your customers are more likely to take their business elsewhere. Because of how complicated infrastructures are today, they’re often hard to troubleshoot when there’s an error. From cloud-native infrastructures to mobile app development platforms to the IoT, managing performance is difficult. there are many interdependencies among components, so when an application is slow, it’s often difficult to pinpoint the reason. You’ll need to find out the following:

  • Why there are delays?
  • How long it’s been slow?
  • What is causing the issue?

That’s where infrastructure and application performance monitoring (APM) techniques become beneficial. Traditional approaches include using ping tests and measuring the server level metrics, like disk, CPU, and memory. But that’s no longer enough with today’s advancements. You have to be able to connect the application with the user journey. That will help you understand where, when, and why the user experience suffers when the application is accessed. Using tools like AppOptics can help you achieve this.

Understanding Potential Delays

To understand the user journey, it’s important to measure the response time, behavior, and availability of every visit. You have to find out if your site is responding properly and if the backend processes are working. You also need to know what portion of the architecture is causing delays. For instance, there might be a bug in the site’s code. There could be an issue in the server or front end. Instead of looking at hardware metrics, you need to analyze business transactions and application codes.

Aspects of APM

Your APM solution should include digital user experience monitoring to track your visitors’ experience. That can identify times when there are errors, periods of downtime, or slowness. The right tool allows you to passively monitor users’ experience as they use the application in real-time. If the application server is slow, it might be an issue in the code. With transaction profiling, you can examine the code and pinpoint the exact line that’s taking a long time to process.

Many issues happen because of a memory leak in a server, slow network connections, or virtualization bottlenecks. Monitoring the health of your infrastructure will ensure that your site is successful. To reduce slowness in your site, it’s important to gain insights into every aspect of its business transactions, user experience, and performance. The right strategy will allow you to automate the process of diagnosing issues, simplifying your troubleshooting and adding value to your site.

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