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Top apps to help your education: Must-have for students

23 Jun 2020 Developer News
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The truth is that in the era of digitalization, you will probably find no student who wouldn`t use the magic of the Internet to make their lives simpler. For example, those who constantly ask their groupmates, «Can you help me with my math homework?» can now just download the Math aimed app and enjoy solving complex tasks within several minutes. Besides, these apps not only do that for you, but they also show how it is done so that next time, you can easily cope with this task yourself. If earlier smartphones were used mainly for entertainment purposes, now they don`t distract but help in the studying process. In this article, we will check top educational apps for Android and iOS to help you survive in college.

Essential apps for great academic performance

The value of gadgets in our life cannot be underestimated. They help us constantly stay connected, have fun, and improve our skills as well. Both Apple and Google have plenty of mobile apps that help students in different disciplines and performing educational projects. Now you can download the app, type the task, and get it done (or at least understand how to get it done). On our list, we have 13 best educational apps that are a must-have for every college student:

1 Accelastudy

On average, an American student knows around 42K words. Even though it sounds like a lot, in the English language, we have over 170K words. This app is a great vocabulary builder that will help you learn more and write perfect papers without Thesaurus use;

2 Adobe Fill and Sign

This is one of top school helping apps as it lets you fill in and edit PDF forms and then sign them using any gadget you have at hand. If you are just starting college, you will be surprised how many forms are waiting to be filled in and sent, so you will appreciate having this app on your phone;

3 BibMe

Not depending on your major, the app is equally useful for golf students and those who study microbiology as everybody will have to deal with writing research papers. The app is not just a citation builder; it goes far beyond also checking your grammar, style, and bibliography;

4 Brain FM

Compared to the ordinary radio, this one broadcasts music that is good for the brain. It is about music for concentration on studies, relaxation, or meditation – the right music;

5 Cheatography

The app is not about cheating but about revealing a large collection of sheets with information on various topics with over 2,5K added every day;

6 Coggle

Every college student knows what is organizing, planning, brainstorming, and researching. This app visualizes information allowing you to create collaborative mindmaps with your group mates: they are easy to share and help you do everything faster and easier;

7 Dashlane

It is an essential tool for everybody, but especially students who need to create multiple accounts for different resources. The app helps to generate and save all your logins in passwords safely at one place;

8 Duolingo

One of the well-known language resources, this app will help you in learning one of the most popular (or not really) foreign languages);

9 Evernote

This resource lets you make notes digitally, save and organize them into categories for more convenient use;

10 Grammarly

Another top app that is a must-have even for professional writers and those who think that they know English grammar perfectly;

11 Instructables

The app can teach you everything you want to learn to do, from crochet to cooking, technology, and magic tricks;

12 Mint

To keep track of your finances and pay the bills on time, use this app;

13 Pocket

No paper journals and magazines: now, you have everything in your smartphone with this app for free.

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