Marketing is an integral part of any business regardless of the company’s size or category. Without quality marketing, any business is bound to come to an end. This is why we are going to help you set foot at the start of a successful marketing journey and introduce you to the fundamentals of marketing. Step by step, you can build a successful marketing funnel and help your business thrive. But before we delve into the details, let’s understand what marketing funnels are and what they’re used for.
Defining a Marketing Funnel
A marketing funnel, also known as a sales or purchase funnel, is a breakdown of the stages that a customer goes through when deciding to buy a product. Hence, it is a designed model to map out the customer’s experience or journey with your product. There are four main cornerstones that marketing funnels are based on Awareness/ Exposure, Consideration, Conversion, and Retention. The first stage represents the core of any business product; branding and exposing your product to the public is the essence of every following step. The second stage is where you should earn the customer’s trust to stand out among competitors, and therefore, the customer chooses you after comparing the available options. The third stage is the simple process of the customer purchasing your product, which leads us to the fourth and highly crucial stage that is retaining or keeping your customer.
Why App Marketing Funnels are Important
App marketing funnels are very similar to website marketing funnels. The goal remains the same for any marketing process; hunting for potential clients and keeping them satisfied as well as updating your product to meet their requirements. With the help of social media and technology, marketing has evolved in terms of the methods used for branding and customer-hunting. Mobile Applications are a means to guide customers through the process. You can also look at what professionals advise; in the article Sales Funnel Guide - Automate your business, marketers stress how important it is to build a strong marketing funnel. Consequently, as a marketeer, it’s important to invest in an app marketing funnel.
Customizable Tools to Create Your Marketing Funnels
There is a great benefit in using modern tools to create your mobile application marketing funnel. Using the right marketing tools will help you organize your ideas in a systematic layout using diagrams. You can then share these diagrams with your team members and develop the funnel collectively. Besides, you won’t have to worry about mixing up your diagrams and marketing mapping as if you had them on paper. So, without further ado, let’s dive in on some of the useful tools for your app marketing funnel!
This tool will help you organize your ideas with ready-made as well as customizable templates. It also helps with teamwork as you can leave comments for your team members and share the funnel on your social media platforms.
This one is useful for integrating with different applications, such as Slack, Dropbox, Amazon Web Services, and many more. It’s simple and uses standard lines and shapes in addition to providing protection, as you can add passwords to your diagrams.
Geru helps you with generating reports for your clients as well as for your usage. It’s also helpful with calculations, such as cost per click, and lifetime value. Additionally, you can add your own brand to it and it has over 30 blueprints of sales funnels. Another useful feature is that it contains video tutorials for beginners, so you won’t have to worry about learning how to use the platform.
Google Drawings
This one is an easy and fast tool to use with the necessary basic features to build a funnel. You can upload images, add texts, choose your own colors and shapes, leave comments to your team members, add links, and share it with your audience.
Sketchfunnels provides efficient drag and drop functions and a variety of other options to build your tunnel. From creating templates and icons for different pages to resizing and adding texts as well as sharing your sketches.
In a nutshell, an app marketing or sales funnel will enable you to build a strong relationship with potential clients and customers. It may seem overwhelming to lay out a marketing plan, especially if you have vicious competitors. However, all you need to do is search well and learn the necessary tactics to create a strong sales funnel. With experience, you will improve and learn from your mistakes. Finally, don’t forget that social media and technology are your best friends, hence, you need to stay up-to-date to stay ahead of the game.