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FOX 8 Wx app review: detailed and accurate weather forecasting for up-to-the-minute coverage of your local area



What we have here is another weather forecasting app which runs along a very similar vein to other apps within this genre, adopting a tried and tested formula and a commonly used interface to deliver reliable and detailed weather reports that you can really depend on.

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Whether you’re planning a family road trip or you simply want to know whether there’s going to be any rain during your commute tomorrow morning, FOX 8 Wx is a dependable resource which looks great and runs very smoothly.

FOX 8 Wx


Weathering the Storm

Within this app you’ll find all of the usual weather forecasting functionality that is prevalent in this genre, providing details such as high and low temperatures, wind speed and direction, humidity, precipitation, and even Feels Like temperatures.

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The home screen features a very detailed radar map image of your local area which is determined using your device’s built-in GPS, as well as a basic overview of the weather for today, yesterday, and tomorrow.

If you want a more detailed breakdown of today’s weather you can check out the Hourly section for a more extensive analysis of the coming 24 hours. Alternatively, the 10-day forecast offers a comparable level of detail for each of the next 10 days, and be sure to tap on each day for even more information on the predicted conditions.


Hourly and 10-Day Forecasting

If you live in an area which is prone to severe weather conditions then I’d definitely recommend taking full advantage of the Alerts function as this will help you to stay one step ahead of the weather while also being able to warn friends and family of any impending storms.

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One very cool feature of the Map view is that pressing the play button in the bottom right-hand corner will provide you with an animated view of any weather fronts in your region. This is good for those of you who prefer more visual information rather than basic symbols and text.

All in all, this is a solid weather app and although it doesn’t contain any video or blog content like many apps with this interface do, it is still going to provide you with all of the information you need to make a fair assessment of the coming weather conditions for the next several days.


FOX 8 Wx


Pros and Cons


  • Detailed weather forecasting for your local area
  • View weather forecasts on an hourly or 10-day basis
  • Varying levels of detail to suit your needs
  • Severe weather alerts
  • Radar map imagery



  • There is nothing negative to say about this app


Final Words

FOX 8 Wx as a whole can definitely hold its own in the larger context of the Weather category in the App Store.

This is a well-designed app with loads of functionality and a great amount of detail in the forecasting so it definitely receives a strong recommendation from me.


FOX 8 Wx

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.