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RadarNow! Weather Radar app review: the very best in pint-sized radar weather map imagery



Whether you’re a surfer who needs the latest in tidal conditions or you simply want to plan a family excursion without being hindered by impending rain, this app should provide you with everything you need to make a fair assessment of the weather with the visual medium of radar map imagery.

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If you prefer to access weather forecasts and reports in more of a visual format rather than simple text and icons, then I would definitely recommend checking out RadarNow! Weather Radar as there is a great amount of detail and the information appears to be quite reliable.

You can’t zoom in as much as I would have liked but the mapping is more than enough to give you a general idea of what kind of weather you can expect in the near future.

RadarNow! Weather Radar


Weathering the Storm

For all you international readers out there, I should probably begin this review by including a note that the developer has added to the iTunes description page for this app, which reads: “RadarNow! uses US radars only, therefore is active for entire U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam and areas of Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean that border the U.S.”

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Rather than looking through multi-day forecasts in a text format and trying to find the relevant information for your local area within the timeframe you desire, RadarNow! Weather Radar enables you to grab a quick at-a-glance view of what’s going on weather-wise in your area.

This app delivers National Weather Service Enhanced Radar Base images from the NOAA WSR-88D NEXRAD Radar sites scattered throughout the United States, and the radar imagery is imported straight from the National Weather Service system so you can rest assured you’re always getting the very latest information.


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Furthermore, when you first start using this app, it will use your device’s integrated GPS to determine your current location, and from here it will deliver map images from whichever Enhanced Radar Base is nearest to you.

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This is a very well-developed app which looks great and runs very smoothly, and the map images are all downloaded very quickly and efficiently which enables you to get the information you need within a matter of seconds every single time.


RadarNow! Weather Radar


Pros and Cons


  • Detailed and animated radar map imagery delivered directly from the NOAA WSR-88D NEXRAD Radar site servers
  • Use your device’s integrated GPS to quickly and easily determine your current location



  • There is nothing negative to say about this app


Final Words

Personally, I prefer to look at my weather forecasts in more of a text, numbers, and icon format, but those of you who want to see animated map images so that you can visually track storms and general weather fronts, RadarNow! is definitely going to appeal to you in a big way.


RadarNow! Weather Radar

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.