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Lazoo ZOO app review: foster your child's creative side while feeding animals



Most educational apps out there are rigid in their instruction, and there are certain rules to follow with things like math and language. The Lazoo ZOO app encourages kids to think outside the box while boosting their creative side.

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It's a busy day at Lazoo ZOO and the animals need to be fed. This is where your child comes in and feeds the animals whatever their want, with some surprising results.

Lazoo ZOO


Intelligence Spawns Creativity

The Lazoo ZOO app takes an interesting approach to the education app. Yes, there is an educational component, but Lazoo ZOO is more about fun, encouraging creativity, and discovering the results of experimenting when options are provided.

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The artwork is very bright and fun; literally every animal and environment on the Lazoo ZOO home screen is interactive, which gives the child an interface that is truly geared towards him or her. Just tap on whichever animal you like to zoom in on. You will be presented of the animal of your choice and a vending machine to the left which has a variety of fruits and vegetables to feed it. The animals may provide hints: the monkey has his favorite option on the napkin around his neck, while the lion draws what he wants in the sand. Choose the food you like and just swipe to feed it to the animal.

Most educational apps out there reward you for giving the matching food to the animals, whereas Lazoo takes it a step further and encourages you to try something different than what the animal wants. Sure the animal may not like it; however, you may find feeding the lion a carrot when he's asking for grapes will make the lion realize he likes carrots too! This is a great new way for kids to learn because it teaches them to think outside of the box, which as we all know as you get older, is an extremely beneficial skill.


Maybe the Animal Will Like My Favorite Food

During the gameplay your child will be greeted by other characters popping in and offering suggestions on what to feed the animals.

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Lazzo Zoo goes a step further and offers a drawing page where your child can draw and color their favorite foods to feed the animals to see the results. Simply tap the paint brush at the top left of the screen to access this page. This provides a level of interaction that most kid's apps don't have. The created foods will be added and saved to the list of stuff to feed any of the animals in the game.


Lazoo ZOO


Pros and Cons


  • Teaches and encourages kids to think outside the box
  • Fun and easy-to-use interface
  • Provides a level of interactivity lacking in a lot of educational apps
  • High replay value



  • There is nothing negative to say about this app


Final Thoughts

Lazoo ZOO is a refreshing new education app for kids. Not only does it encourage creativity, it also promotes thinking outside the box, which is something every child should learn. It also encourages trial and error, never focusing on "right or wrong" answers, but promoting experimentation and the benefits of trying new things.

If you are looking for something different and fun for your children on the iOS then the Lazoo ZOO app is something you should definitely have them try.


Lazoo ZOO

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Matthew MacCallum

Matthew MacCallum is an award winning filmmaker, screenwriter, actor, and comedian. He is a lifelong Apple products user and has vowed never to seek help for his App addiction.