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Goals Free app review: ensuring you reach your goals



Setting goals is the easy part; following through on them is a whole other challenge! The Goals Free app is designed to help you set your goals and then offers a place to lay out the steps you plan to take and send you reminders. There is no reason your goals can't be met; it's just a matter of laying out a realistic plan you can stick with.

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Goals Free


Goals of All Types

You can use this app for goals of all types whether they be short-term or long-term. Maybe you have a five-year plan you want to lay out and start working on as you save towards buying your first home, or then again maybe you’d like to finish reading an entire series of books before the newest one is released. No goal is too big or too small for this app.

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Once you meet/finish your goal you will be able to share your incredible success with all your friends and family on Twitter and Facebook. This can even act as motivation as you know you’ll be able to share this fabulous feat with your loved ones.

I really like that this app is able to break down what seems like an impossible task into something tangible and realistic. It can even make your goal seem less intimidating. Often we perceive things in our mind to be bigger than they are and then when you actually physically write it out it suddenly becomes much easier to handle.


Get Ready to Set a Goal

Setting a goal takes mere minutes and that's it. You will need to sign in with an email account and then you are taken right to the main screen. You will need to specify if it is a long- or short-term goal and then you go about adding in all the steps.

Steps can be deleted or added at any time. This is handy because as you go about the steps in achieving your goal things can change and you suddenly may need to shift directions. Save your information as you go and then you can easily go back and view where you're at. You can also delete steps as you finish them.

I think the most satisfying part is when you finish your goal and you get to hit the "Complete" button. The app congratulates you with clapping and cheering, confetti and streamers fall, and you then have the option of sharing your success on Facebook and Twitter.


Goals Free


Pros and Cons


  • Clean and uncluttered user interface
  • Quickly and easily set long- and short-term goals
  • Add in the steps you will need to take and delete them as you complete them
  • Set reminders to help you take all the steps needed



  • This may be too simple for some; there isn’t the opportunity to add a lot of information about your goal and the steps


Final Thoughts

For me the Goals Free app is a beautiful, simple, and great way to set goals for yourself and map out the steps necessary to achieve them.


Goals Free

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