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Bubble Level FREE app review: a must-have three-in-one utility
If you don't have a bubble level on your iPhone you definitely need one, and the Bubble Level Free app is the one you want. This app does what you need, and does it effortlessly.
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Tilt That Corner A Little Higher
Bubble Level Free is a three-in-one utility app that goes well beyond the standard to offer the user more than just object alignment and angle measurement. With high-resolution graphics and an impressive use of the iPhone's accelerometer, Bubble Level Free is possibly the most accurate bubble level app out there. Also equipped with a Surface Level and an Inclinometer this app provides you with everything you could need to measure any angle.
The best voice recorder apps for iPadThe Surface Level works exceptionally well; the accuracy is well above par by including the location of the bubble on the x and y axis in degrees at the bottom of the screen. This added addition may seem small, but if you are a photographer or camera operator you having this app on your phone is extremely helpful. I can think of four different shoots off the top of my head where the Surface level in Bubble Level Free could come in really handy.
The Inclinometer, also known as a Tilt-Meter, is great for anyone who enjoys off roaring as it will help you decrease the chance of roll over. It's also great for road trips as you can judge the inclination of the roadway.
You Will Never Know My Love Of Angles
I know it seems silly to be raving about such a simple utility app, but Bubble Level Free is the best of the best. Of course you can level any picture, check any surface to ensure it's level, or check the inclination of any car or bike. That's what Bubble Level Free is for. The thing is, the more you use it, the more you will start to realize you can't live without it.
Best iphone and ipad appsIn fact the only thing I found negative to say about it is that each time you want to switch between the instruments, you have to make your selection then shut down and reopen the app. This makes perfect sense as the accelerometer has to reset to calculate that style of measurement.
Pros and Cons
- The best three-i- one utility app
- The most accurate readings possible
- Great, easy-to-read high res graphics
- Great for carpentry, off-road drivers, and every day house hold use
- You have to close down the app to switch functions
Final Thoughts
Everyone should have the Bubble Level Free app just like everyone should have a flashlight app. It's an iPhone utility that you will find yourself using more often than you think, and when you do you'll be happy you downloaded it. Bubble Level Free is the must-have utility app for everyone.
Matthew MacCallum
Matthew MacCallum is an award winning filmmaker, screenwriter, actor, and comedian. He is a lifelong Apple products user and has vowed never to seek help for his App addiction.