It’s time to lather, rinse, crimp, straighten, blow dry, and trim your way to a brand new look with this awesome hair salon simulator, featuring a child-friendly interface and an amazing collection of features for conjuring up some truly wild new looks for you and your friends.
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From the moment you first start up this app and hear the “Toca Boca!” sound bite, you know you’re in for a whole heap of fun. This app has clearly been designed with some serious expertise, and the graphical motifs and overall visual layout really serve to demonstrate this nicely.
This is an awesome app that I know you and your children will just love, so go check it out today and see what styles you can come up with!
Create Wild New Styles
As I mentioned in the introduction, Toca Hair Salon Me looks absolutely fantastic. When you first start it up, you’ll see a 2-D bust with the face cut out. You can either tap the stack of photos to import an image from your Camera Roll, or tap the camera to snap a shot from directly within the app.
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Once you’ve got the perfect picture, you’ll then need to position it within the face cutout of your bust. There is also the added bonus of being able to choose between three different head shapes, so you should be able to fit your photo in without too much difficulty.
Next are the eyes and mouth, which you’ll need to position accordingly, and once this is done it’s time to start styling!
Snap and Snip Your Shots
The next screen you’ll see includes a few different items, such as a razor, comb, scissors, and a hair trimmer. You’ll also notice the magical “gro” formula sitting on the counter which can be used to re-grow any hair that you might inadvertently chop off in your haste.
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I might be missing something here but it appears as if there is no button enabling you to progress beyond this stage. Based on the iTunes description page, I was under the impression that you could save your styles, but unfortunately I’m not seeing any options for this.
I would still recommend downloading this very fun app because I might just be a little low on caffeine and missing something obvious!
Pros and Cons
Create crazy new styles for you and your friend
High level of customization for facial features
Funny sound effects and animated faces bring your photos to life
Gorgeous visuals with an obvious emphasis on creating a child-friendly interface
It appears as if there is no button enabling you to progress beyond the stage of creating the first steps of your style
Final Words
My apologies to the developer if I am being dense, but I am a little disappointed by the absence of the button for moving through the styling process.
I would, however, strongly recommend downloading Toca Hair Salon Me because even if I am correct, I am entirely confident that the developer will fix this issue very quickly.