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Ovia Fertility app review: an app that personalizes ovulation 2021



Ovia Fertility - Ovulation Calculator, Fertility Calendar and Period Tracker iPhone and iPod touch app is a fertility tracking app that also alerts you to when you may be ovulating.

This fertility tracker app suggests taking ovulation tests, alerts you to the next fertile window, and provides a countdown to pregnancy test. 

Continue reading our Ovia fertility app review to see if this iPhone app for tracking ovulation is the right choice for you. 

Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracker


More In-Depth

Ovia Fertility is an in-depth fertility tracker app. I was quite impressed both with the easy-to-read icons and the number of options in this fertility tracking app.

There are areas where you put in information on your period, mood, symptoms, intercourse, cervical fluid, ovulation test, pregnancy test, basal temperature, blood pressure, sleep duration, weight, nutrition, activity, medications, and finally notes for items that are not included!

Through entering these simple categories, you are presented with a pretty comprehensive view of how your fertility, and also your current overall well-being. I love that there is a specific notation for blood pressure, and also that there is an area for steps taken and to add a workout. Great motivators!

More In-Depth image

What Happens to My Info?

Ovia Fertility - Ovulation Calculator, Fertility Calendar and Period Tracker takes the information you input and allows you to view it in several different ways.

The first is the home screen with the days until  ovulation and various phases; second is the calendar view; third is your health with a personalized report based on your fertility entries and other feelings and such; fourth is a fertility chart including your basal temperature, cervical fluid, and fertility layer; and fifth is cycle insights.

This app will allow you to take all of the information necessary to narrow down your ovulation day and figure out your cycles.

As opposed to many of the general ones that just take statistics rather than information from the specific woman, this app will take your specific instances and data to present you a personalized report and personalized guidance as to when you are most fertile and most likely to conceive.

What Happens to My Info? image

Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracker


Pros & Cons


  • Takes into consideration all of the fertility information from cervical fluid to basal temperature
  • Personalizes a report as to when you are most likely fertile
  • Includes many questions that you may be concerned about and helps easy the concern while also presenting ideas to ask your care provider and partner
  • Colorful, nice-to-look-at layout with easy to read icons
  • Smooth navigation between the various reports


  • I did not see a backup for your entries; however, you can send the information to your partner’s email

Pros & Cons image

Final Thoughts

Ovia Fertility - Ovulation Calculator, Fertility Calendar and Period Tracker iPhone and iPod touch app is a really well-designed fertility app. I have reviewed several that take statistics to determine your fertile days, and this app takes your actual data to provide a personalized report. Well done!

Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracker

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