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STOCK SIGNALS app review: provides automated trading signals based on complex technical criteria for all U.S. stocks



If your trades have been a little less than successful lately then you might like to try out this iPhone and iPad trading app, offering a variety of automated trading signals which work on the basis of technical criteria across the entire U.S. stock market.

The best stock trading apps for the iPhone and iPad

I’ve never been much into trading stocks but I did run a, shall we say, not-so-lucrative stint on the Forex, so I can definitely say with a lot of confidence just how helpful it can be to have tools such as this at your disposal.

My own trading career was cut short due to the emotional wreck I found myself in because of the constant ups and downs, but for those of you who are capable of remaining a little more level-headed, you’ll definitely want to check out this handy tool.

This app is no longer in the App Store. But, you can check out some great alternatives here The best stock trading apps for the iPhone and iPad.

STOCK SIGNALS: Technical Trading Model


Observe, Learn, Profit!

When you first start using STOCK SIGNALS: Technical Trading Model for Stocks & Stock Market, you’ll be prompted to Create a account so that you can sync your watchlist across multiple devices and missingSTEP apps. This is entirely optional, however, so you can do this at a later date if you prefer.

Best iphone and ipad apps

Once this is done, you’ll be taken straight to your Watchlist, which is set to display the Dow Jones by default. If you tap the Dow Jones button, you can choose to display a few other indices, including S&P 500.

Observe, Learn, Profit! image

Keep Your Finger On the Market Pulse!

The Market Pulse section is a great place to find out the latest buzz across the markets, while also helping you to gain a little insight in how the market is responding to various press releases which are displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.

If you want to learn more, the Blog section displays a live feed of content from the missingSTEP blog, showing you how to use the various features of the app, and how to take advantage of various technical indicators to make the most lucrative trades possible.

Keep Your Finger On the Market Pulse! image

STOCK SIGNALS: Technical Trading Model


Pros and Cons


  • View automated trading signals based on complex technical criteria for all U.S. stocks
  • Create a Watchlist of any stocks you have in your sights
  • Create a account to sync your Watchlist across multiple devices and missingSTEP apps
  • Read the missingSTEP Blog to learn more about the app and trading in general
  • Checkout Market Pulse to find out how the market is responding to various press releases


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

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Final Words

Although STOCK SIGNALS: Technical Trading Model for Stocks & Stock Market is probably not going to launch you into a million-dollar trading career overnight, it should certainly provide a few points of reference that you can use to gain the edge in your trades.

Oftentimes, timing is the crucial factor in trading, but we let our emotions get in the way. Using this iPhone and iPad app, I think you’ll be far better informed as to when you should be getting in and out of your positions.

STOCK SIGNALS: Technical Trading Model

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.