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Vegas Pool Billiards HD app review: everything about pool billiards in one handy app



I remember when I was young and used to go to a local billiards club with my friends to shoot some pool. I haven’t played in a long while, but I know that playing pool is a very popular sport amongst people going out and having fun. App developer Chee Wan Yee decided it was time to create an app solely focused on playing pool, and gathered all information he could find about the sport. Weirdly enough it doesn’t stop here: the app also contains a varied collection of random other features.

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Vegas Pool Billiards HD


About Playing Pool

I have to give the developer credit here, as there is a lot of great content available that can help you become a better pool player. Be aware you have to be online to see this information, but he definitely did his research and linked everything together in a nice package. You can find information on the rules of the different game types, but also in-depth stuff like mental aspect tips. On top of this there are also a ton of videos available that can show you simple things from how to choose a cue stick to funny moments in the sport. All of this is available with a simple tap and if you want to learn more about pool, it’s really handy to have all of this in one place.

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About Playing Pool image

Other Stuff

This is where it gets weird. First of all there are the two games that come within the app. There is a jigsaw puzzle game, conveniently themed around pool (which is not that weird at all), and also a memory game with the same theme. Tap on the MORE button and you will be surprised what the developer crammed in this app. First you get the opportunity to share pool photos, but secondly, you get a flashlight! Maybe it will help you when you’re playing pool in the dark, but I don’t really get the link.

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There is also an option to scan your documents, a calendar, a check-in, a music player, and the regular notification and rating options. All in all this is an eclectic mix of different functions that have nothing to do with pool. I wonder why the developer bothered.

Other Stuff image

Vegas Pool Billiards HD


Pros and Cons


  • Tons of cool and free information about pool
  • Get better at the sport with this app
  • Awesome videos


  • The background gives me a headache
  • Why are all these random functions built in the app?
  • Some dead links

Pros and Cons image


If you like pool like I do, and you want to improve your game, give this app a chance. The videos, especially, will give you a lot more insight on how to play the game and how to get prepared. The other features of the app simply don’t belong here, and a scoring table would be a nice addition. The app is compatible with both iPad and iPhone.

Vegas Pool Billiards HD

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