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Available on the iPhone and iPad, this photo-editing software is a great photo combining app which enables you to “Photoblend” together two images to create a unique new image.
There's no need to learn how to use complicated, expensive, and space-taking software like Photoshop or Illustrator! With just a little bit of free space on your mobile device, you can download Photoblend completely free of cost and marge photos with this app.
Whether you are a hobbyist photographer who likes to blog artistic images, or you simply want to add more character to your snaps to bring them to life and express your mood and convey your emotions perfectly, Photoblend is an easy-to-use software which will help you achieve what you want without the hassle of learning complex image-blending techniques.
This photo editor for iPhone runs on devices with iOS 8.0 or later, with support up to iOS 14.0 and it is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. It will need 162.7 MB of free memory space on your mobile device to download and install. Check out our Photoblend app review for more details and head onover to our best photo combining apps list for more great options.
Available to download for free on the iTunes store, Photoblend - Double exposure pic blender used to blend, morph, mix, overlap, and alter your images with this arty cloning picture app for FB. Not affiliated with Photoshop or Illustrator! Free! takes the cake in simplicity.
Experience a vacation in advance! Grab a scenic picture of your most coveted vacation destination and Photoblend it with one of your own pictures from the stored images in your phone.
You can also add quotes to your pictures. Whether you want the words to be located on the edge of the image or superimposed upon it, simply select the photos and Photoblend them!
It seems to me like the developer, Derrick Williams, has spent a significant amount of time visualizing and implementing the use of frames within this app. You can choose from a variety of frames which range from old-school and Plain Jane square frames to artistic and sophisticated designer ones including but not limited to the Peace Sign, LOVE, trees, birds, the sun, and an owl.
Once you have completed your masterpiece and wish to share it with the world, you can simply post it to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Flickr with a few taps from within the app itself.
As a blogger and meme-enthusiast, I have developed a bit of an addiction to Photoblend - Double exposure pic blender used to blend, morph, mix, overlap, and alter yr images with this arty cloning picture app for FB. Not affiliated with Photoshop or Illustrator! Free!
I finally know how the fitness industry pumps out those “fitspiration” quotes left, right, and center. Download this app on your iPhone or iPad and you too can start expressing yourself in more creative ways.
Neha has been writing and editing since 2010 and has been reviewing iOS apps since early 2014. She has lived in four different countries and loves having the world at her fingertips thanks to these awesome apps.