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Night Sky 2 app review: experience the night sky in a new and intriguing light



Uplift your stargazing experience with this wonderful and unique iPhone and iPad  astronomy app! A bigger, better version of the original app, The Night Sky, Night Sky 2 brings you more awareness of your surroundings and your place in the universe.

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The new and improved app not only brings you information about the stars, planets, and constellations in the sky, but it also lets you view satellites. The interface has been redesigned and is so beautiful that I would compare it to the beauty of the celestial landscape itself, giving you a breathtaking and educational experience.

If you want to go out stargazing with your nerdy friends, or take your partner on a romantic picnic (or in my case, the two are not mutually exclusive!) then Night Sky 2 is a must-have!

Night Sky 2


Wealth Of Knowledge

Whether you are out for a walk with your dog, or in the woods for a dedicated stargazing session, you can have a great evening of awe, wonder, and education using Night Sky 2. All you need to do is whip out your iPhone or iPad and point it toward the sky. You will be able to view all the stars and constellations through the astronomy app, whether or not it's a clear night.

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Conversely, if you look up at the sky and see something you'd like to identify, you can simply point it at the object to determine whether it's a planet, star, or satellite. The Search and Location function will further enable you to look or a particular object. For instance, if you want to know where Polaris, The North Star is, simply type it into Night Sky 2 and the app will guide you to where it sits in the sky at that moment!

This app also provides you with meteorological information such as cloud cover, local temperature, wind speed, as well as visibility. This information is assimilated and converted into easy-to-read icons which inform you whether or not it's a good night for stargazing. By enabling Push Notifications on Night Sky 2, you can receive information regarding what the night has in store for you, ensuring that you go out on a night that is optimal for your goals!

Wealth Of Knowledge image

Scanning And Sharing

This app works like a dream! It's been a pleasure to scan the sky with it. It keeps up with the speed at which you scan the sky and it also presents very good quality images. You can capture images of parts of the sky and share them with your friends and family on social networks or via email.

Best iphone and ipad apps

Furthermore, Night Sky 2 also provides users with other information such as moon phases, sunrise and sunset times, the duration of daylight, and sun elevation.

Are you an avid stargazer? Now you can share your interests with the Night Sky Community! Allowing you to share your favorite stargazing locations, the Night Sky community is available across the world, so even if you are traveling to another corner of the world, you can use this app to stargaze from elsewhere, further helping you understand celestial bodies.

Scanning And Sharing image

Night Sky 2


Pros & Cons


  • Locate objects in the sky by using the Search feature
  • Find out what you're looking at by pointing to the object in the sky
  • Connect with stargazers across the planet
  • Receive push notifications on the conditions for stargazing on that particular day


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

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Final Words

If you've ever looked up at the sky on a clear night and wondered what the glimmering objects were, where they were, and even...when they were, all you need is your iPhone or iPad. Night Sky will provide you with all the information you require, for less than a dollar!

Night Sky 2

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Neha Sinha

Neha has been writing and editing since 2010 and has been reviewing iOS apps since early 2014. She has lived in four different countries and loves having the world at her fingertips thanks to these awesome apps.