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Fast Food Nutrition , Calories , Carbs Plus Calculator for Daily Weight Loss Diary app review: a restaurant nutrition guide and food score calculator in one



This is a great iPhone and iPad app for those of you who enjoy the occasional indulgence at your local fast food joints as it provides a detailed breakdown of the nutritional content of more than 310 establishments so that you can make healthier choices while still eating an enjoyable meal.

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I think that this is a great idea for an app that should help you very easily shave off a few calories here and there when you next hit up your local McDonald’s or Wendy’s.

There is a ton of useful information in here, and besides the basic nutritional information for food items, you’ll also find a BMI calculator, diet journal, and a few other tidbits to help you stay keep things in check.

Smart Fast Food Calculator App


Includes U.S., UK, and Canada Fast Food Items

Fast Food Nutrition , Calories , Carbs Plus Calculator for Daily Weight Loss Diary , Online Value Tracker , Diet Journal , BMI Tracking , Cals and Carb Control - Calorie Watchers Pro Mobile App by Awesomeappscenter is a very good app to keep handy when you next visit one of your local pizza places or grab a burger.

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Within this app you’ll find a full breakdown of the nutritional content of countless menu items for more than 310 fast food establishments through the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, with figures for carbohydrates, fats, protein, sodium, total calories, and much more.


Fast Food Nutrition  screen shot 1
Fast Food Nutrition screen shot 1

Make More Sensible Food Choices

In my opinion, eating junk food should really be a once-in-a-while kind of thing if you value your long-term health and well-being.

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This being the case, I would recommend just ordering whatever the heck you want, but if it’s a more regular occurrence for you then I think that having this information should help you to make some more sensible food choices.


Fast Food Nutrition  screen shot 2
Fast Food Nutrition screen shot 2

Smart Fast Food Calculator App


Pros and Cons


  • Contains nutritional information for food items from more than 310 fast food establishments throughout the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom
  • Includes a handy BMI calculator
  • Includes U.S. and UK food score calculators
  • Easily find nearby fast food joints by using your device’s integrated GPS
  • Add your most frequently visited restaurants to your Favorites list
  • Learn to incorporate portion control so that you can more effectively lose weight



  • Seems redundant for people who eat junk food every day 


Fast Food Nutrition  screen shot 3
Fast Food Nutrition screen shot 3

Final Words

Fast Food Nutrition , Calories , Carbs Plus Calculator for Daily Weight Loss Diary , Online Value Tracker , Diet Journal , BMI Tracking , Cals and Carb Control - Calorie Watchers Pro Mobile App by Awesomeappscenter seems somewhat redundant for people who are eating junk food every day because I don’t feel as if any amount of damage control is going to be enough.

Having said that, if you’re just looking for a way to shave off a few hundred calories once or twice a week when you enjoy a tasty treat, then by all means, I think that this is a more than worthwhile download for your iPhone and iPad.


Smart Fast Food Calculator App

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.