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WNCN WX app review: dedicated weather forecasting for residents of Raleigh, North Carolina



Those of you living in the Raleigh area of North Carolina should find this weather forecasting app to be more than sufficient for delivering recent and accurate weather reports directly to your iPhone and iPad, courtesy of the WNCN news station.

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This app utilizes a very simplistic visual interface which I think lends it’s self quite nicely to the overall purpose of the development, which is to act as a quick and easy point of reference for those of you who live in Raleigh.

Although it is far from being the most original or innovative app of its kind, WNCN WX should provide you with more than enough information to keep you one step ahead of the weather every single day of the week.

WNCN WX – weather, radar, and forecast for Raleigh, Durham, North Carolina


Dedicated Weather Forecasting for Raleigh, North Carolina

The first thing you’ll want to do when you begin using WNCN WX is tap the house icon in the top right-hand corner of the Map section. From here, you’ll be taken to the Locations menu where you can use your device’s integrated GPS to synchronize the app with your current location

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Once you’ve done this, head back to the Map section where you’ll be able to view live radar map imagery of your region, with the added bonus of also being able to grab a quick snapshot view of the current temperature, humidity, and more.


WNCN WX live radar map imagery
WNCN WX live radar map imagery

Receive Severe Weather Notifications

The rest of the forecasting functionality within this app is fairly standard affair, providing everything from a detailed hourly breakdown of minor variances in the weather to a full forecast for the coming 10-day period.

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One very useful feature of this app is the Alerts section. This can be used to set up Push notifications that will keep you informed of any storms, cyclones, tornadoes, or other severe weather conditions that might be headed in your direction.

Whatever you use this app for, it’s definitely a great idea to have access to a resource like this that is specifically dedicated to the Raleigh area.


WNCN WX detailed 10-day forecasting
WNCN WX detailed 10-day forecasting

WNCN WX – weather, radar, and forecast for Raleigh, Durham, North Carolina


Pros and Cons


  • Detailed weather forecasting for residents of Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Weather forecasts available across a 10-day timeframe in different visual formats
  • Receive severe weather alerts via Push notification
  • Detailed radar map imagery enables you to track weather fronts in your region



  • There is nothing negative to say about this app


WNCN WX hour-by-hour forecasting
WNCN WX hour-by-hour forecasting

Final Words

As I mentioned in the introduction, WNCN WX doesn’t really bring anything new to the table, in terms of either its form or function, but what it does provide is a reliable resource for local weather conditions that you should be able to depend upon on a fairly consistent basic.

If you live in Raleigh and own an iPhone and iPad then keeping this little app handy should definitely be a no-brainer, so be sure to download it today!


WNCN WX – weather, radar, and forecast for Raleigh, Durham, North Carolina

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.