If you’re looking for a fast and convenient way of downloading free and legal music off of the Internet then look no further than this handy little utility that has been designed to make the job easier and more enjoyable than ever before.
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This is a pretty bog standard example of a file downloader app, except for a couple of things. Firstly, paying for this app means that you can enjoy not being bombarded with ads every five seconds. Secondly, this app has been tailored specifically to those of you wanting to download music.
If you don’t care so much about intrusive ads and just want a no-frills replacement for Safari that you can use to download some free tracks, then I’d say you’re better off going for a free equivalent app. Of course, if you’ve got a dollar to spare, you can’t go too wrong with MP3 Music Downloader Pro!
Download Unlimited Free Music
Among its basic features, MP3 Music Downloader Pro includes an integrated web browser that you can use to search the Internet and download music for free (and legally, I should hope).
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The browsing speed is pretty much what you’re used to with Safari, although I often find Safari to be a little temperamental so I’m always happy to see a substitute that runs at a half decent pace and provides a little more flexibility with file downloads.
MP3 Music Downloader Pro amazing 3 band equalizer
Create Your Own Custom Playlists
Once you’ve found some music and start downloading it, you can track your downloads using, you guessed it, the Downloads section. Once they’re done, you can then sort your tracks into playlists, which is perfect for choosing tracks based on your mood, or perhaps if you’re heading to the gym.
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You’ll be pleased to know that you can also play all of your downloaded music from directly within the app thanks to the integrated media player. The sound quality is reasonable, and you’ll find pretty much all of the same basic features offered up in the standard iOS Music widget.
MP3 Music Downloader Pro download free and legal music
Pros and Cons
Search the Internet and download free and legal music with the in-app web browser
Keep an eye on your in-progress downloads with the download manager
Create custom playlists for any occasion
Listen to your downloaded music from within the app using the media player
Move your downloaded music to your computer via Wi-Fi transfer
Enjoy full AirPlay support
Keep your files safe and sound with passcode protection
There is nothing negative to say about this app
MP3 Music Downloader Pro manage your songs into playlists
Final Words
Please excuse me if my tone comes across as rather unenthused but MP3 Music Downloader Pro isn’t particularly original or innovative in any way. There are countless carbon copy apps of this kind, so if your eeny-meeny-miney-mo has landed you on this one, then by all means give it a go and see what you think!