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To be completely honest, I have never actually bothered with any of the slot machine apps in the App Store, simply because I thought they were simple rip-offs of real-life slot machines where people just keep throwing in money and don't achieve anything. I was very surprised today when I downloaded Skyward Slots by Sidebolt. This app is not just a glorified slot machine, but actually holds some, even though it’s all chance-based, gameplay. The developer has spent tons of time designing this app and making it look great, while also making it compatible with both iPad and iPhone. Expect to see a lot more reviews for these kinds of apps in the future!
The best roulette apps for the iPhone and iPad 2021
With all of my game reviews, I try to be consistent and start my first paragraph with a little review about the gameplay of the game. This is surprisingly difficult with this game as the gameplay is exactly as you would expect. The game starts you off with 3500 coins, and you will only have one slot machine open to play on. Your maximum bet is also very low, so you will be able to play for quite a while. After a few rounds, you will actually level up and get access to more slot machines and higher maximum bets. You simply choose the amount you want to bet and let the reels spin. When you have some of the icons line up you will win more coins, or in some cases, more experience.
The best slots apps for the iPhone
As you level-up and get access to multiple slot machines, you will be able to see that the machines all have different special events attached to them. There will be automatically swapping and collapsing reels, and all kinds of mini-games to play and to win more coins. When you run out of coins, you can actually buy more of these via an in-app purchase, but you can always come back tomorrow to test your luck as the app rewards you for coming back every day. These coins are available in all kinds of price ranges, from $1.99 to $99.99.
The best Las Vegas apps for iPhone
I never expected that all those slot machines on the iPhone and iPad actually have some fun to offer. I always thought that they were designed for people who really didn’t have anything better to do in their lives, but didn’t want to spend real money to gamble. I actually found that the gameplay in these apps are very fun, and with the missions you will always feel that you have something to do next. You will need to be always online when you play. The app is just over 84 MB in size, but with these graphics it’s worth the try!
Wout has worked in the video games industry for over 10 years and is an avid traveler. His iPad is his most trusted friend and he's passionate about keep you up to date on the latest apps and games.