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How many times have you just felt too lazy to make dinner or head out to pick it up? Or how about those times you have unexpected guests pop by and you realize you have nothing to make for them? That's when the app can come in really handy.
The best iPhone and iPad apps for McDonald’sThis iPhone food delivery app can be used quickly and easily to order delivery from all kinds of stores and local restaurants. In fact the food deliver iPhone app supports almost 10,000 different liquor stores and restaurants across the United States.
Check out our app review for more details and let us know if you think it's one of the best food delivery apps for iPhone users.
It really doesn't get easier than this when it comes to ordering and purchasing food and drinks. Thanks to the large number of locations this app supports you are sure to find plenty that appeal to you.
Best iphone and ipad appsJust think of all the ways this can come in handy such as when you don't feel like going out, the weather is bad, you don't have a vehicle to go pick up food, you have a group of people to feed, or whatever reason. Its convenience level really speaks for itself.
So with all this said, why does this app only have two out of five stars from customers? It seems as though the mobile app version performs very differently than the computer version of this service.
The app has a number of issues such as crashing, discounts not appearing properly, being slow, and just not acting properly in general. What is meant to be a convenient tool is actually a big hassle for many of the customers trying to use it.
The app is meant to be very simple and quick to use, when these features work properly. You are able to enter in your current location and the stores and restaurants will then be generated in a list showing those that are nearby.
You can also do a search and use the filters where you can set things such as the delivery minimum order, the distance, the rating, or the cuisine type. Browse through the restaurants' or store's offerings and then place your order. You are able to store your favorite order and credit card information to be used next time.
The concept is wonderful; I mean it really does offer quite a convenience to people. The problem lies in the stability and performance of the app. People quickly lose interest and unless the developer is able to do a lot of polishing it will continue to receive low customer ratings and lose users.
The app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is a wonderful concept that can really benefit from more fixes and enhancements.