There's no need to be a super hero or a lab technician in order to have x-ray vision. The Amazing X-Ray FX ² LITE app allows you to use your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone to see through a person's clothes, skin, and bone. This app works in real-time so you can see detailed x-rays of hands, feet, a skull, your knees, any are of your body you are curious about. This one has a rather large amount of downloads so is it worth the attention? Let's take a closer look.
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Get a Real Good Look
Have you ever wondered what lab technicians see as they perform an x-ray on a patient? You don’t have to wonder because now you can use your mobile device as a portable x-ray machine. The way the app is supposed to work is that you hold it up to the area you wish to x-ray and you will be able to instantly see it. With that said, be prepared for a huge letdown with this app.
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It should be noted that the free version offers limited access to the features/functions of this app. If you upgrade to the PRO version you'll be able to take "x-rays" of skull, chest and pelvis, hands, knees, feet, and scan for foreign objects. The pro version is ad free but it does require an LED lamp to use it. This version is available for $0.99.
An x-ray of someone's arm/hand
Where it Disappoints
When you launch the app it all seems rather professional and high tech and then you hit the start button and your opinion changes completely. It starts showing you an x-ray of a body but it’s not yours and you certainly can’t get an x-ray of your own body because, well, your phone doesn't have the tech to do that, thankfully. This app has a mind of its own, doing its own thing whenever it wants. The free version seems completely useless. What you can use this app for is to trick people and tell them it is in fact a real-time x-ray of your arm/hand as you move it across your body. Just don’t be fooled into purchasing the full version unless you plan on using it as a pranking tool with friends.
It comes as no surprise that this app gets only two out of five stars from users who all pretty much say the same thing, it’s disappointing, it doesn’t work, and basically don’t waste your time.
App really doesn't serve a purpose
Pros and Cons
Cool graphics
Feels very high tech when you launch it
Is able to show an x-ray of an arm/hand (just not your own arm/hand)
The app doesn’t work, it doesn’t offer real-time x-rays
This feels pretty useless
Set up the x-ray
Final Words
The Amazing X-Ray FX ² LITE app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is nothing short of a prank you can pull on friends and family and serves no other useful purpose. This one isn’t worth even a free download as it doesn’t do what you would think.