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Catch Your Cheating Spouse! app review: the software, resources and knowledge you need to get evidence of your partner's infidelity



Do you have a feeling you can't shake that perhaps your spouse is seeing someone else behind your back, but you can't prove it or you simply don't know for sure? There's an app for that! Catch Your Cheating Spouse is available on your iPhone or iPad for just $1.99.

The developers of this app want to provide you with all the software, resources, and know-how to find out why your spouse has really been coming home late from work far too often lately, for the small price of just $1.99, which is far cheaper than hiring a private investigator.

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Catch Your Cheating Spouse! A Step-by-Step How To Spy and Phone Tracker Guide


Spy Your Spouse's Cellphone And PC

Catch Your Cheating Spouse! A Step-by-Step How To Spy and Phone Tracker Guide comes with a plethora of tools and tips to help you achieve your goal, including cell spying, PC spying, and the Catch A Cheater 101 guide.

The Cell Spying contains several features, most notably the free software that come with it including a cell spy software, and a GPS Tracking software to figure out where you spouse is when they say they will be home late from work. Through the Cell Spying systems, you will be able to do some serious investigation such as monitoring their texts and phone calls, checking their phone records, and recovering deleted data such as texts.

PC Spying is also an option, and this app will guide you through important how-to's such as Viewing Their Web History, Access Facebook Accounts, Open IM Messages, Finding Passwords, and much more.

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Spy Your Spouse

Catch A Cheater 101

The Catch A Cheater 101 section is a comprehensive guide with topics such as Quick Start Spying, Secretary's Secrets, Signs Of A Cheater, Lie Detector Test, When To Confront, and other topics that will take right from your first inkling of infidelity right through to When It All Falls Apart.

You will receive step-by-step checklists that guide you every step of the way, and let you keep a debriefing of suspicious incidents for easy access and figuring out the bigger picture by using the Custom Tracking Calendar included in this app.

Catch A Cheater 101 image

Catch Your Cheating Spouse! A Step-by-Step How To Spy and Phone Tracker Guide


Pros & Cons


  • Spy on your spouse's PC, phone, car, and much more
  • Receive a cell spy software and GPS Tracking software for free
  • View step-by-step checklists that guide you through each step of your course of action


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

Pros & Cons image

Final Words

From time to time, our insecurities might play up due to a number of reasons, sometimes even completely unrelated to our spouses, and we might suspect something is awry. I feel, however, that if you have been driven to spy on your spouse, that you have to use an app such as Catch Your Cheating Spouse!, then perhaps it might be wise to consider that your relationship might already be over and you should just walk before it gets ugly.

This is my humble opinion of course, which comes with very limited relationship experience, and zero marriage experience, so do take it with a pinch of salt! If you are hell-bent on getting that evidence that your spouse if cheating on you so that you can get a good divorce settlement, then by all means grab this app on your iPhone or iPad.

Catch Your Cheating Spouse! A Step-by-Step How To Spy and Phone Tracker Guide

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Neha Sinha

Neha has been writing and editing since 2010 and has been reviewing iOS apps since early 2014. She has lived in four different countries and loves having the world at her fingertips thanks to these awesome apps.