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Restaurant Nutrition app review: know what you're eating



While it is relatively easy to be in control of what you eat when you prepare your meals at home, when you eat out you never know what you're eating. If you want to make healthy choices and be aware of what you're eating while dining at restaurants then the Restaurant Nutrition can help you out. This app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone and features more than 60,000 food items from more than 250 restaurants. Besides giving you the inside scoop on your food choices there are also a number of other tools and options.

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Restaurant Nutrition


No Need to Guess

There is no need to guess what you're eating thanks to this app. Sometimes at restaurants the choices you make that seem healthy are anything but. Now you will know for certain what food items are best for you. As mentioned the app features more than 60,000 food items taken from more than 250 restaurants. The nutritional information features the amount of calories, carbs, fat, and protein so you get the full picture of the item.

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This app is free to use however if you want to remove the ads you'll need to purchase the upgraded version for $3.99. As well the paid version features a Point Plus calculator. This app hasn't been updated in over two years now which can definitely be a contributing factor in its rather stagnant three out of five star rating. In its last update more restaurant information was added but obviously over two years one would think this has changed quite a bit.


Browse through restaurant menus
Browse through restaurant menus

Features and Tools Galore

This app has so many features and tools it goes much further than just giving you nutritional information on various dishes. In fact, if you’re currently trying to lose weight or follow a specific diet plan this app might be able to make your life easier. However, as users have commented the information is rather old and some users have had issues with the accuracy of the information. Of course if the nutritional information is wrong it is of little help.

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Some of the features in this app include being able to keep a journal of the food you have eaten, post what you eat to Facebook, rate items you eat, upload images of your meals, set up your diet goals, and so much more. The app automatically tracks your nutrition, there are full menus (although they may be out of date now), and there is a map tool.


Learn about the items you are eating
Learn about the items you are eating

Restaurant Nutrition


Pros and Cons


  • Easy to use
  • Features full restaurant menus
  • Offers automatic nutrition tracking
  • Keep a journal of what you have eaten
  • Upload photos of your food
  • Rate menu items
  • Set up diet goals



  • The app hasn’t been updated in two years so how accurate is the information?


Restaurant Nutrition screenshot
Restaurant Nutrition screenshot

Final Words

The Restaurant Nutrition app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone as a way of delving deeper into the food choices you make at restaurants so you can made an educated decision.



Restaurant Nutrition

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