If you happen to be a health care professional who rotates in the emergency department a lot, then you absolutely must check out this wonderfully comprehensive iPhone and iPad app which contains the latest content from the 2013 EMRA Antibiotic Guide.
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I must sound like a broken record when it comes to Medical apps because I always feel the need to point out that the majority of the content is way over my head, as is the case with this apparent gem of an app.
There is more content in this app than I could ever begin to fathom, and although I’m not familiar with the book, this digital adaptation definitely appears to deliver the goods so I would definitely recommend at least considering it.
Calculate Correct Dosages With Ease
2013 EMRA Antibiotic Guide has been designed for any health care professional who rotates in the emergency department, providing a one-stop point of reference for jotting down your diagnoses, drug recommendations, and lots more.
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You can also use the Dosing Calculator to quickly determine how much of a given drug a patient should receive, and there is also a full cost and pregnancy guide for the antibiotics that are used in the book.
2013 EMRA Antibiotic Guide screenshot 1
Access a Vast Drug Database
The database of antibiotics is truly vast, and if you come upon anything of particular interest you can add it very easily to your Bookmarks list for quick and easy future reference, plus you can add extensive custom notes throughout this app to ensure nothing is forgotten or taken for granted.
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It is hard for me to comment further on this app because I don’t understand the subject matter; however, it has been very well received by users on the iTunes description page, and I certainly don’t have any complaints from what I’ve seen so far.
2013 EMRA Antibiotic Guide screenshot 2
Pros and Cons
Add your most frequently used diagnoses to your Bookmarks list for quick and easy future reference
Add custom notes to your entries to jot down important patient information
Use the Dosing Calculator for a quick and easy answer
Includes a full cost and pregnancy guide for the antibiotics used in the book
Use the antibiogram in this latest edition
Use the integrated search facility to find what you need in a jiffy
There is nothing negative to say about this app
Final Words
2013 EMRA Antibiotic Guide is a mammoth of an app, and one that every healthcare provider would be very wise to keep installed on their iPhone and iPad.
Sometimes you just need a quick point of reference if your mind has gone blank and you’ve forgotten, say, the correct dosage of a given drug for a patient, so with this app available at your fingertips you should never find yourself stuck again.