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Scientific+Calculator app review: helping you with math equations



Are you a student or someone who needs to have a fully functional and user-friendly scientific calculator handy? If so you may want to check out the Scientfic+Calculator app which can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone. This is a very advanced offering but the user interface has managed to remain simplistic despite all the features and tools. You are given over 30 arithmetic and scientific functions in this app, which means you'll be able to work on all your problems.

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Count on this Calculator

Finding just the right calculator with the right amount of functions and the proper level of user-friendliness can be quite the undertaking. There is no shortage of options in this category and you need one that is fast and simple to use yet performs all the tasks you need. This one is able to take on more than 30 different arithmetic and scientific functions, as mentioned. These include such things as trigonometric, logarithm, root, power, exponential, hyperbolic, and more. You can even customize the app since it comes with four different themes, you can mute the sound, and you can calculate degrees or radians.

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This app requires iOS 7.0 to use and currently has four out of five stars from users. It just recently had a minor bug fix so the performance should be smoother than ever. When you read the comments it seems as though users are quite satisfied with the offering and it seems to be helping them out quite a bit.


Perform all your arithmetic and scientific functions
Perform all your arithmetic and scientific functions

Not Just a Basic Offering

I think it's really important to point out that this isn't just a basic calculator; this one is actually quite advanced and with features you may not expect to find. Some of the more advanced tools include being able to use functions, store and use variables, review your past calculations, evaluate mathematical expression, select the number of decimals to round up to, and flow or scientific notation. The app also uses gesture functionality so you can swipe down or up to scroll through your history of calculations, swipe left to clear the screen, and swipe right to delete a number.

For me a big part of this app's allure is in its user interface. The design here is very clean and minimalist so that you can perform your scientific functions without a busy screen and too many features in your way.


Perform extremely advanced functions
Perform extremely advanced functions



Pros and Cons


  • Very clean and minimalist user interface
  • Can be used by students or anyone needing to perform arithmetic and/or scientific functions
  • You are provided with a number of advanced tools and features
  • View past calculations



  • Some users are asking for even more functions to be added


Scientific+Calculator screenshot
Scientific+Calculator screenshot

Final Words

The Scientific+Calculator app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone to perform all your mathematical functions in a clean and simple manner.



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