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Ghost Speak app review: turn your iOS device into an inter-dimensional communication tool



The idea of the existence of supernatural entities has always enticed human beings. For years we have been watching ghost-hunting shows on TV where so-called Ghost Hunters use a variety of communication devices to try to establish some contact with spirits.

I was personally addicted to watching such shows in my late teens and always wished to perform similar hunts using my very own tools. If you've ever wished for the same, Ghost Speak is an app that can help you turn that wish into a reality by turning your iPhone or iPad into such a communication tool.

You can purchase it in the App Store for $1.99 and chase ghosts to your heart's content at a fraction of the cost of equipment that's available in the market. Let's take a look at how it really works.

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Ghost Speak


Detect Sensor Activity

Ghost Speak comes in a modest 17.8 MB package that comes with an “electronic” word bank. Using the microphone function, this app claims that ghosts or spirits can, in theory, manipulate the sensor data and pick a word that they wish to communicate.

The app has a baseline set for normal levels of sensor activity and anything outside of that activity could potentially be an otherworldly being wishing to convey something. Indeed, when I asked a question, there was a “response” within a minute, however, I can't help but feel highly skeptical that it might be environmental disturbances or handling issues causing the disruption.

Apparently the developers have incorporated a feature to avoid these issue, stating that they “are using a modified version of a quantum fluctuation calculation that employs a new method with handling deltas.” I am no ghost-hunting expert, but complex wording in ambiguous terms instantly alerts my skeptic radar.


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Ghost Speak listen to ghost speak
Ghost Speak listen to ghost speak

Scientific Evidence

I personally subscribe to the principle behind the quote popularized by Carl Sagan: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This is why I find it hard to take apps like these seriously. None of the ghost-hunting methods are scientifically verifiable.

Furthermore, due to the lack of evidence, it sickens me to see other users of this app stating that they have connected with someone they lost, when the developers clearly state that this app is not scientifically verifiable. Furthermore, it's obvious that the words are generated using an algorithm, which makes it even less credible in my eyes.


words chosen NOT by ghosts
words chosen NOT by ghosts

Ghost Speak


Pros & Cons


  • Carry your own ghost-hunting device in your pocket


  • This app may propagate false beliefs to people who desperately want to believe they are communicating with loved ones they have lost


Ghost Speak be careful what you buy into
Ghost Speak be careful what you buy into

Final Words

Although I feel strongly about the spreading of misinformation, I trust that iPhone and iPad users that download Ghost Speak will use their discretion both before and during the usage of this app. Either way, I do think there is some entertainment value in playing around with such apps.


Ghost Speak

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.