Whether you’re looking for a way to simplify your weekly grocery shopping or Christmas is rolling around and it’s time to start putting together your gift lists, Ez Shopping Calculator for iPhone and iPad should give you everything you need to make some basic lists to save time once you’re in the store.
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To be honest, I’ve lost count of the number of list creator apps I’ve reviewed over the past couple of years, but I can still very quickly recognize whether or not these developments are worth the time or money.
Ez Shopping Calculator might be a little simplistic for some of you who want something more elaborate, but if you just want a basic grocery list iPhone and iPad app then I think it should make the perfect addition to your iOS device.
Easily Calculate Grocery Costs
This is a simple little app that has been designed to transform your iPhone into a quick point of reference when you’re in stores so that you know exactly what you’re there for and you know more or less where to find it.
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You’ll also find support for coupon values which can be inputted so that you can easily determine your total costs after discounts. All of this can be done on your device before you even leave home so you know exactly how much money you’re going to end up spending.
Ez Shopping Calculator quick sales tax calculation
Easy List Management
List creation on iPhone and iPad is super simple with Ez Shopping Calculator, and you can easily order your lists in a couple of different ways by tapping the handy List tab.
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What’s more, you can also use this app to calculate any sales taxes which are relevant to your state or region, so while you won’t find some of the bells and whistles offered on comparable developments I’d say that you can still enjoy a distraction-free list creator that gets the job done just fine.
Ez Shopping Calculator easily see what you are due to pay
Pros & Cons
Easily assess your total grocery costs to avoid in-store guesswork
Enter coupon values to factor discounts into your total costs
Includes Sales Tax for an even more accurate cost estimation
Add multiple entries of a single item with ease
Use the List tab function to view your current items in reverse order
Some users may find the functionality and overall interface to be a little simplistic in the greater context of apps of this kind, but it should for suffice for those of you who are in the market for a super simple and easy-to-use tool
Ez Shopping Calculator create a handy item cost list
Final Words
To reiterate, Ez Shopping Calculator for iPhone and iPad is definitely one of the more basic additions to the Finance category of the App Store, but it runs very smoothly and should serve you very well.