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NOAA Weather Alerts app review: stay ahead of severe weather
If you should happen to live in a region that is particularly susceptible to severe weather conditions then you will definitely want to keep NOAA Weather Alerts - Severe Weather Push Notifications & Warnings handy on your iPhone and iPad at all times.
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I think that this is a very good idea for an app, and one that has been executed with a great deal of expertise and all-round professionalism on the part of the developer. NOAA Weather Alerts is a must for any of you who are subject to frequent storms, blizzards, and the like.
Weather Alerts and More
Far from being a simple delivery system for severe weather notifications, this weather app provides detailed weather forecasting as well as weather maps which come complete with detailed overlays for even more information.
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You can also set up and store multiple locations within this app, which is perfect for keeping a close eye on your more vulnerable loved ones who live out of town.
NOAA Weather Alerts receive Push notifications
No False Alerts
NOAA Weather Alerts - Severe Weather Push Notifications & Warnings delivers Push notifications for NWS alerts within anything from 3 to 100 minutes from your current location, based on the radius you specify.
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Furthermore, the developer assures us that “The system will not miss an alert issued by the NWS, will not deliver a false alert, and will not deliver duplicate alerts.” This is very reassuring and I have a lot of confidence in the overall reliability of this app.
NOAA Weather Alerts highly customizable settings
Pros & Cons
View the current weather conditions in striking detail
Access weather maps complete with detailed overlays
Save multiple locations within the app for quick and easy future reference
Receive a Push notification for NWS alerts within anything from 3 to 100 minutes from your current location
Receive NWS alerts for impending severe weather conditions
The developer assures us that “The system will not miss an alert issued by the NWS, will not deliver a false alert, and will not deliver duplicate alerts.”
Alerts marked as "Severe" or "Urgent" by the NWS are prioritized by the system for faster delivery
The app will make a siren sound when there is a Tornado Warning nearby
Automatically reconfigures to your new location as you travel
There is nothing negative to say about this app
NOAA Weather Alerts save multiple locatoins
Final Words
Sometimes storms, floods, tornadoes, and so on hit with frightening rapidity, so NOAA Weather Alerts - Severe Weather Push Notifications & Warnings is a great addition to your iPhone and iPad to ensure you and your family remain well ahead of the weather.
Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.