I Can Xylo - A Nursery Rhymes Teacher for Preschool and Kindergarten Children is an iPad app to help your child engage with music. The app has a free portion and a paid portion. It comes with one song ready to go, but you can easily unlock two more if you like their page on Facebook. There are 22 songs in all if you choose to purchase the full app.
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Play the Xylophone
I Can Xylo is a great app for teaching your child how to play simple songs. There are three modes, a record option, and a play back option. In the first mode, your child simply plays the xylophone. In the second mode, your child can select one of three songs and press play. Alternatively, users can tap the song as the xylophone key is highlighted to play on their own. This is a great feature as they can try to get the rhythm correct after playing with the song a few times.
The best tooth fairy apps for iPhoneEach key is labeled in four ways. For example, middle C is labeled C, doh, red, and strawberry. This is great because it is not only teaching your child that each color makes a different sound, but also provides an alternative label like strawberry if your child has trouble discerning which red to tap. It also teaches the sounds of the keys with the label C, and prepares them for music class by beginning to teach the doh, re, me system.

I Can Xylo doesn’t have a lot of limitations. Each feature is unlocked, but you can choose to purchase the full song pack if you’d like. To me it is kind of like the toy keyboards you can get that have a bunch of features, but your kid mostly just bangs the keys and records their creations on occasion. Having a few songs to begin teaching them is great, but I could get a music book or download a few songs from Google to enrich the app.
Best iphone and ipad appsI really like this app. It’s a xylophone, so you don’t expect the keys to hold longer than a quarter note, but your child can still do slides, and bang around on it, or tap on it.

Pros & Cons
- Free songs
- Three learning modes
- Keys are labeled in four different ways to help children find the keys
- Keys are highlighted for tapping out the songs
- Not all songs are unlocked

Final Thoughts
I Can Xylo - A Nursery Rhymes Teacher for Preschool and Kindergarten Children is an iPad app that really does a great job of teaching kids how to play the xylophone and even the piano. By labeling the keys in four different ways, your child will be well set on their way to begin playing a keyboard. The app has all features unlocked, but there are additional songs available. The interface is easy for little hands, and the child uses their finger rather than having to drag a xylophone stick. I would definitely recommend this app to anyone looking for a simple kids' music app.