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Max and Ruby! Science educational games for kids in Preschool and Kindergarten is an iPad and iPhone activity game for kids that teaches beginning science skills such as connecting pipes to get the water to the pool, rolling various balls to learn inertia and angles, and dressing up your characters for fun.
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Max and Ruby! Science has three activities for kids to play. The first is Water Blast, then Ball-O-Rama, and Make Believe. In Water Blast, your child must connect pipes to get the water from point A to point B. Level one, your child inserts two pipe pieces, turns on the water faucet, and watches the water flow. They then get to watch Max swim in his pool that they have filled for him to swim in. Each level gets a bit more difficult, and level two has bent pipes. Each level has a little clip to watch, and Max always gives a thumbs up. Ruby always cheers them on too.
Best iphone and ipad appsBall-O-Rama teaches inertia, and how differently weighted balls will move differently on the surface. With the first ball, Ruby teaches them that the further you pull the ball back, the further it will go. There is also an arrow that appears so that your child can see where they are aiming the ball. In the second round, you get a tennis ball that is very light, and moves very fast. The third round has a bowling ball, thereby completing the weight ranges.
In Make Believe, your child can take a break from the more tricky learning, and dress up characters. There are three characters to add, each with its own dress up options. For example, Ruby has a princess outfit, a dress with a bow, a piano, or a bird. Max has a cat mask, a crown, or a snowsuit. Ruby’s friend Louise can come play the violin too. As well as characters, there are seasons and props, and different backgrounds.
At first it is hard to see where the learning is in Max and Ruby! Science, however what you have to remember is that this is for young children aged two to five. The activity of rolling the ball to the hole is learning angles and how differently weighted items have different speeds. When connecting the pipes, your child is learning that if there is a hole in the pipes, then the water cannot get to the pool. This can apply to real life to if they are trying to fill their own back yard kiddie pool without first attaching the hose!
Max and Ruby! Science educational games for kids in Preschool and Kindergarten is an iPad and iPhone activity game for kids that teaches beginning science skills such as connecting pipes to get the water to the pool, rolling various balls to learn inertia and angles, and dressing up your characters for fun. Overall, this is a fun game, and the kids don’t feel like they are learning, because they are learning through doing. This is when most learning happens, because the kids aren’t worried about what they are learning. This is a great layout to teach some beginning science.