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E*TRADE stock app provides a thorough yet wonderfully easy-to-use platform from which you can efficiently manage your trades while keeping an eye on prospective stocks. And, this top stock trading app does everything from the convenience of your iPhone.
The best stock trading apps for the iPhone and iPadThe Finance category of the app store is filled with the best trading apps and the best stock apps, so I can imagine the competition is pretty rough. Despite this, I’d say E*TRADE Mobile for iPhone is definitely an above average iPhone stock market app.
What we have here is a convenient utility that you can use on your iPhone to manage all of your brokerage accounts, while also being able to set up stock trades while you’re on the go.
Best iphone and ipad appsYou’ll find a lot of the features typical to this kind of trading app, such as chart analysis, market news, and the ability to set up alerts, but there are a couple of extra features I’d like to focus on which I found particularly interesting.
E*TRADE Mobile for iPhone offers a couple of relatively novel features, with the first being voice recognition support. This allows you to simply speak aloud the information you need on particular stocks and voila, you’ll be presented with everything you need!
The other feature is even more interesting in my opinion; if you’re curious about the stock prices of a particular brand or manufacturer then you can use your iPhone’s integrated camera to scan the barcode of a product.
From here you’ll see everything you need to know about the company’s stock prices, symbol, and so on, which is pretty cool if you ask me!
Despite the temperamental nature of the landscape view on charts, I really like E*TRADE Mobile for iPhone. This iPhone app provides most of the basic functionality you’ll need in a trading iOS app while also daring to be a little different with barcode scanning and voice recognition.
Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.