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Human Calculator: Oriya app review: math for humans!
Human Calculator: Oriya is, in the words of the developer, “where mathematics meets language,” providing a gentler and more easily comprehendible way of using mathematics in your everyday life without having to use convoluted scientific notation devices.
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I absolutely love the concept behind this app because it provides a more realistic approach to math that the typical layperson should easily be able to get their head around; kudos to the developer for coming up with such a novel-yet-awesome idea!
Numbers Meet Words
What we have here is a calculator that has been designed for ordinary people who haven’t used scientific notation since school, wherein all you have to do is type in a number in words and use basic mathematical symbols to perform calculations.
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For the most part, you should have no trouble using this app even if you’ve got next to no experience when it comes to using mathematics in your day to day life, and there is minimal margin for error providing you can type with a reasonable degree of accuracy!
A calculator for real humans
Ten to the What Now?!
Human Calculator: Oriya is great for making sense of obscenely large numbers without using complicated notation and esoteric symbols, so you won’t have to wonder what something like “ten to the twelve” means in order to comprehend astronomical figures.
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I’d really like to give a shout out to the developer of this app as they’ve also made it available in more than 160 languages from around the world, including dying dialects like Cherokee, and more obscure languages like Faroese.
Fully explained
Pros & Cons
A calculator designed for ordinary people who haven’t used scientific notation since school
Simply type in a number in words and use basic mathematical symbols to perform calculations
Make sense of obscenely large numbers without using complicated notation and esoteric symbols
Available in more 160 different languages through the App Store
Available in Klingon (Qu’noS), Dothraki (Essos), and Quenya (Middle Earth)
There is nothing negative to say about this app
Supports various global currencies
Final Words
Human Calculator: Oriya and its sibling apps should help smaller communities around the world to more easily comprehend large numbers and basic arithmetic, so I love the idea and would definitely recommend downloading it onto your iPhone and iPad.
Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.