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Native Language App app review


Native Language App app review Native Language App Price: Free For: iPhone, iPod touch, iPad Native Language App by Native American Public Telecommunications, Inc. is a way for you or your child to learn different words in four different Native American languages. This is a great app for kids and adults to learn words in Navajo, Sioux, Muscogee Creek, and Ponca. It won’t teach you how to speak the languages, but you can get a feel for the words and will also teach you more about the cultures. Developers plan to add more languages. The app will show you how diverse these Native languages are, and use animals to make the information interesting and fun. For younger readers, there are large and colorful images to keep their interest. Native words are spoken by people who have spoken the language since childhood or have taught others the language. Names of the animals are showing in both the language being spoken as well as English. This will help with pronunciation and spelling. Kids can use the app themselves with the easy-to-use interface or play with it with a family member.
Native Language App app review NAPT - Native American Public Telecommunications, Inc. represents the experiences, cultures, values, and histories of Tribal Nations, peoples, and communities. NAPT supports Native media from creation to distribution, and shares Native stories. The app was released on January 20, 2012. It is available in English. It currently has 12 ratings with an average of three out of five stars. Customer feedback comments seem to suggest the app has made a good start but needs more work and perhaps a re-recording of the Lakota words with a different speaker.  

Native Language App


Native Language App


Native Language App

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Rebecca, a former police officer, is an experienced writer and editor. She has used all kinds of different tech and prefers Apple products and apps. Her areas of expertise are in all things Apple, health and fitness, the Paleo lifestyle, and legal topics.