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MD on Call app review: getting you through the bumps 2021



Because life happens and we sometimes end up sick or injured there will be times when we need to see a doctor or need some medical advice. The MD on Call app for iPhone is a way to help you through those bumps in the road by providing you with practical medical information.

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This on call doctor app for iPhone is available at all hours of the day or night so that when you need medical advice you can get it. It's also a very easy to use iPhone app for online doctors.

Continue reading our review to see of this is one of the best MD online apps for iPhone users. 

MD on Call — Practical Guide to Surviving the Night


Seek Medical Advice

The MD on Call app makes it possible to assess and then manage common medical problems in a quick and easy manner. Again this is meant to deal with more common and simple issues that arise and these usually happen in the middle of the night!

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The app hasn't been updated in two years now with its last one fixing a variety of bugs. It currently has 3.5 out of five stars from users and customer comments are very positive. In fact users as asking for more content to be added to the app so it can help in even more situations.

Seek Medical Advice image

How the App Works

The way the MD on Call app works is that its content is divided into five different sections. There are then 26 on call situations that are common.

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Some of the medical issues this app can address are nausea/vomiting, fever, chest pain, abdominal pain, bleeding, insomnia, wound infection, and plenty more. You can search for conditions by keywords or acronyms plus there is plenty of information that is specifically for those working in the medical field.

This information includes things such as how to deal with lines and tubes, lab work information, reading ECG values, how to write orders for admission, and so much more.

While the user interface is simple to navigate it is also incredibly dull looking. Obviously this app is very text-heavy but this can make for a difficult read when there is nothing to break it up.

How the App Works image

MD on Call — Practical Guide to Surviving the Night


Pros and Cons


  • The app has a large database of information
  • The content can be used by professionals and just people looking for advice
  • Make use of the powerful search tool to make finding what you want quick and easy
  • The app is simple to use


  • The user interface is very dull
  • Users would like to see more content

Pros and Cons image

Final Words

The MD on Call app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone as a way to get information quickly and easily. It’s an app that is making users quite happy thanks to the ease-of-use and the content itself.

MD on Call — Practical Guide to Surviving the Night

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