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MONOPOLY Bingo! app review: a fun twist on Bingo 2021



You're likely familiar with the game of Bingo but how about one of the more unusual board game apps with some rather engaging twists?

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The MONOPOLY Bingo! board game for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad  provides not just a fun and challenging gaming experience but each time you play you'll be able to unlock rewards.

Within no time you'll find yourself addicted to this iOS board game as you try to unlock more and more rewards because these will lead you to all new properties that you can visit. The game features here are lively, unique, and plenty of fun. Let's see if you find it to be one of the best iPhone board games.

Bingo Tycoon!


Satisfy Your Gaming Urge

The MONOPOLY Bingo! app provides users with the opportunity to fill their gaming urge with an app that is crazy addictive, easy to understand, and is always lively and fun. In this game you will be working your way around the playing board and you will be unlocking new properties as you go.

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Each time you play the game you will unlock rewards; these rewards are needed in order to open the new properties. You’ll be able to compete in tournaments with your friends in an attempt to get the most Bingos out of everyone.

There are community chests that you can collect that are filled with tickets, extra boosts that can give you cool effects, and coins.

This is a free app to download and play but you can purchase gems to unlock more items. These range in price from $0.99 to $99.99.

The app currently has 4.5 out of five stars from players who seem pretty happy with the gaming experience, the graphics, and the challenge it offers. It has just been updated with some additional features which add to the gameplay in a positive way.

Satisfy Your Gaming Urge image

Examining the Gameplay

Upon taking a closer look at the MONOPOLY Bingo! app, players will find this one is filled with fun surprises, graphics, and challenges. The multi-level boosts can be won and will open up all kinds of fabulous bonuses.

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You can also play up to eight Bingo cards at once on the iPhone and iPod or a whopping 12 at a time on the iPad. This increases your rewards in a big way. Keep in mind this app is an online gaming experience so you will need an Internet connection.

The graphics deserve a mention as well because this one goes further than just fun gameplay. You'll find the bright and vivid property locations to be extremely fun and really add a whole lot more to the game.

Examining the Gameplay image

Bingo Tycoon!


Pros and Cons


  • You can play multiple Bingo cards at one time
  • Each time you play you will earn rewards
  • You can use rewards to open new properties on the Monopoly game board
  • The game is easy to understand and the controls are simple
  • You’ll be able to take part in online tournaments


  • This one requires an Internet connection
  • The in-app purchases can get pretty expensive
  • Some players feel the game is stacked against them and isn’t always fair

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Final Words

The MONOPOLY Bingo! app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is the type of game that offers all kinds of fun excitement and challenges which will bring you back time and time again.

Bingo Tycoon!

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