Newsify RSS Reader
Price: $0.99 (as of 2/25/13, marked down to Free)
Newsify RSS Reader is a Google Reader Client for your iOS device. It’s free right now, so grab it while you can.
The app lets you access and read your Google Reader subscriptions with a really cool layout. You’ll be able to read your reading list and starred items in newspaper-like article format. You can edit and add subscriptions, view in Night mode, read offline, and view and save images.
Newsify RSS Reader also lets you show just your unread items or all, search for articles, sort by oldest or newest, view in Landscape mode, automatically sync on start, and pull to refresh your article list.
Other features include the ability to tap text to toggle to full-screen article reading, two-finger tap to toggle to full-screen original web page browser view, and tap-and-hold to mark your toggle starred items read.
You can also share articles to many different social network platforms like Twitter, Instapaper, Tumblr, Facebook, Pinboard, Readability, Twitter, Google+, and Buffer. If you prefer, share via email.
Newsify RSS Reader was updated to Version 1.6 on January 17, 2013. The update added several features. The new version has 610 ratings with an average of five out of five stars.
I really like this app. I have a lot of RSS subscriptions and I love the option to view in newspaper article format. It does seem to take a lot of memory, though, so users beware.
For: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad with iOS 5.0 or later. Newsify RSS Reader is optimized for iPhone 5.