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MapQuest Travel Blogs for iPad app review


MapQuest Travel Blogs
Price: Free

MapQuest Travel Blogs by AOL Inc. gives you a brand new way to share stories from your travels straight from your iPad.

This app allows you to easily document your memories and experiences from traveling, and then share them with others. You can share your blogs with friends, family, and even other MapQuest users. Perhaps the best part of the app is that you can do all this while on the go.

In order to get started you'll need to first register but it's very easy and fast and once it's out of the way you're ready to begin.

Some of the things you'll be able to do besides blogging include mapping out your trip, uploading photos, and reviewing stuff you've seen, eaten, or done. You can make your blog as in-depth as you like. This is a great way to share your experiences with those back at home so they can follow along with you day-by-day.

The app is able to work offline as well. When it comes to sharing your blog you can do that through Twitter, Facebook, or by email.

MapQuest Travel Blogs was released on Feb. 28, 2013 and currently has six customer ratings with an average rating of four and a half out of five stars.

Not only was this quick and easy to use but I absolutely loved how easy it made communicating with people. There was no need to send daily emails to each and every person while you travel.

For: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad with iOS 5.0 or later






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