Photon Flash Player for iPad
Price: $9.99 (as of 3/20/13, marked down to $4.99)
Photon Flash Player for iPad, also called Photon Browser, by Appsverse Inc. is a great alternative browser for your iPad. It’s on sale right now, marked down to just $4.99, so get it now and save yourself five dollars.
Photon Browser is a fantastic new browser with Flash capability. It was designed to enhance your experiences on your iPad, and it succeeds. The app is the #1 paid browser in the U.S. App Store and #1 in utilities for the iPad.
Some of the features of Photon Browser include Flash browsing support that lets you use Flash apps, play Flash games, and watch and listen to Flash videos. You can also view websites that previously would not play on the iPad due to Flash content.
You can use multiple views or tabs while browsing, just like in Chrome or Firefox, split your screen to watch a video on one side and browse on the other, or browse using your full screen. You can also do trio mode and picture-in-picture viewing modes.
The browser is full-featured, with private browsing, the ability to share via Facebook or email, an intelligent URL toolbar, and anonymous browsing. It also offers bookmark support, AirPrint to print off web pages, and forward/back buttons for browsing history.
You must click on the Lightning Bolt icon in order to view Flash sites.

Photon Flash Player for iPad was updated to Version 4.0 on March 1, 2013. The update improved page load time, added full-screen Flash, improved the engine, and made other changes and improvements. You must be 17 or older to download this app. It’s available in English, Japanese, and Chinese. The current version has 782 customer ratings with an average of four out of five stars.
I’m pretty impressed with this app. I like the multiple tab capabilities and the new full-screen Flash viewing mode. Check it out!
For: iPad with iOS 4.3 or later
Photon Flash Player for iPad app review