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Puffin Browser Pro app review



Puffin Browser Pro by CloudMosa, Inc is a great web browser app for your iPad.

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This is a super-fast browser that will thrill you right down to your toes. You may not notice that your current browser is slow until you try this one. It loads pages at an incredible rate. The private browser app is able to do this because the Puffin Browser pre-processes web pages at an enormous cloud computing data center. This means that your page rendering is accelerated, but it also decreases your network data usage.

Puffin Browser Pro


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Puffin can execute JavaScript up to five times faster than its closest competitors. It’s 550 percent faster than the default browser on your iPad 3, and up to 1600 percent faster than other browsers like Chrome.

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Other features of the app include Adobe Flash support, an amazing virtual mouse, and a full web experience.

Before you try out the full version, you should check the free version out first. Here’s a link to our review. 

Puffin Browser Pro was updated to Version 2.3.8 on February 14, 2013. The update fixed a bug that caused iOS 6.1 devices to crash at launch. The current version has 354 customer ratings with an average of four out of five stars. Feedback comments are all positive.

I really like this private browser iPhone and iPad app. It’s very fast, loads Flash content, and is generally just really great. Check it out!

For: iPhone, iPod touch, iPad with iOS 4.3 or later. Puffin Browser Pro is optimized for iPhone 5.

Puffin Browser Pro


Puffin Browser Pro

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Rebecca, a former police officer, is an experienced writer and editor. She has used all kinds of different tech and prefers Apple products and apps. Her areas of expertise are in all things Apple, health and fitness, the Paleo lifestyle, and legal topics.