Samsung Smart TV Now by Samsung Electronics CO.LTD. is a business app that has just undergone some major updates for 2013.
Samsung Smart TV Now by Samsung Electronics CO.LTD. is a business app that has just undergone some major updates for 2013. If you own a Samsung Smart TV then this app is for you, as it takes you through all the features and functions of the TV so you aren't stuck going through that rather long user manual. The app was updated on May 10, 2013 and is available in English only.
User Experience
Because owning a Smart TV is becoming more and more popular, an app to guide you through its functions and features is something that makes total sense. The fact is that although they are a wonderful piece of technology they can also seem a bit overwhelming to new users. You could even be missing out on some great features of your TV simply because you don’t know the feature exists.
This app has been designed to make using the TV simple, quick, and most of all enjoyable. Not many people bother with the user manuals so by displaying the same key information in a fun way, people are a lot more likely to use it.

Use this app to walk you through how to use your Smart TV. There is a ton of video content that offers information on all the newly added features for 2013. You'll learn about such things as Smart Interaction, S Recommendation with Voice Interaction, Evolution Kit, and the Smart Hub. If all of that sounds a bit overwhelming to you, not to worry, as this app will answer all your questions.
The app also features additional content such as viral videos about the story behind the Smart TV, Smart TV commercials, and more. There is a built-in search function so you can find information on a particular feature, and you can bookmark and share information on your social networks.

We have a comprehensive guide on best indoor TV antenna for you to learn more.
In-App Purchases
There are no in-app purchases.
Update Info
Version 2.0.1 includes the addition of a smart feature disclaimer.
Customer Ratings and Feedback Comments
The app currently has 121 customer ratings with an average rating of 1.5 out of five stars. Unfortunately despite the app’s efforts it seems to be missing the mark with most users who are left less-than-impressed by its content.

Personal Comments by Reviewer
While I think the idea of this app is really great, it just doesn't seem to be presented in a way that is clicking with users. There were some good points such as being able to use the search tool to find a specific feature and the ability to bookmark items but for all those great tools there also seems to be a lot of useless information. Videos and coverage on the history and making of the Smart TV is just not something the average consumer is interested in watching.

Pros and Cons
- Takes you through the features of your Samsung Smart TV
- Offers video content that explains all the features
- You can bookmark content
- You can search for content
- No interactive features
- Seems very basic and bland, very underwhelming
- Contains content that isn’t going to be interesting or useful to a large amount of users
For: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation), and iPad with iOS 5.0 or later. Samsung Smart TV Now is optimized for iPhone 5.