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Instapic app review: a photo editor that claims to be complete for our every needs!
InstaPic by By Victor Jeyaseelan is a photo editing app that allows you to add text to photos. That is it. Everything else in this app has been powered by Aviary, the people who should get full credit for this app.
The creator of this app is simply out to make some easy money over the back of the creators of Aviary, by using their editor, skinning it with a new name, adding ads and making different sharing options available. Of course you can switch off the ads for a mere $0.99, which will go into the pocket of this developer and not the developers who truly deserve it.
Editing a Photo
Nearly every feature in this app that gets mentioned on the iTunes App Store page can be credited to Aviary, so it feels like I am reviewing them more than anything else. I have to say that Aviary did actually make a fantastic and easy-to-use photo editor. All the options you need are here and then some. The 12 frames and effects that the developer proudly mentions are actually also part of the Aviary feature set and in my opinion I think its hugely disgraceful that the developer of Instapic is walking away with the work of others.

So What Has the Developer Added?
The first thing that shows some actual work from the developer is the option to add text to the photo and move it around on the picture. This, however, is also possible in Aviary, so this is not a unique feature for this app. The sharing options that are possible in this app are added by the developer, and are exactly what you want. Even though I don’t want to, I have to give him credit for that. You can easily share photos via Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, or just as easily, send an email. The app will save up to four different email addresses that can be used for easy access later down the line.

Pros and Cons
- Sharing options
- The use of Aviary
- This app is a complete rip-off of other people’s technology
- Pay to get rid of ads
- No real features outside of the sharing option

It was really hard for me to find anything good to say about this app. It infuriates me to see that this developer is walking away and making money with the hard work of other people. The Aviary tool set is amazing, and can be found in loads of other photo apps (apps that do actually add to the Aviary’s feature set). I recommend finding one of those, and ignoring this app, just out of spite for the laziness of this developer. The app is compatible with both iPhone and iPad. This app definitely doesn’t do what it promised in the iTunes description.
Cherry is a hard-working writer and an aspiring web designer who can't go a day without using her favorite apps. She's always on the lookout for new apps and enjoys discovering ones that others have overlooked.