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Falling Dots app review: frantic, fast-paced, dot-tapping action



Your speed and reflexes are about to be put to the test with this high-speed game which requires you to tap the dots before they hit the bottom of the screen. There's one rule: you mustn’t, under any circumstances, tap the red dots!

You’ve really got to have nerves of steel to master this game. The dots start off falling slowly but within a minute or so you’ll be hunched over your iPhone frantically tapping the screen and yelping out loud every time you make a mistake - or maybe that’s just me…

Falling Dots


Absolutely Dotty!

This game follows an incredibly simple concept but mastering it has definitely proven to be no simple task so far for me.

All you basically have to do is tap any falling dot which isn’t red, but the dots have a few tricks of their own up their sleeve, and you’ll often see blue or purple dots suddenly turning red as you go to tap them. Every time you tap and miss a dot, you’ll lose lives.

I’m very pleased to see that the developer has put a lot of thought into enhancing the replay value of Falling Dots by incorporating Challenges which will keep you coming back for me to unlock further rewards.


More User Info

Speaking of in-game rewards, you’ll receive points depending on how well you perform in each game. These points can be spent on bonuses which will help you rack up even higher scores, offering effects such as slowing down the dots and their rate of descent, making them easier to tap, or simply penalizing you less for making mistakes.

I’m a little disappointed that there is no audio in this game but on the other hand, a sound effect for all those bursting dots might become a little annoying over time. Either way, it would be nice to have the option and I think that adding an audio element to the game would make it a little more engaging - not that Falling Dots isn’t already incredibly addictive!


Falling Dots


Pros and Cons


  • Simple game mechanics with a challenging difficulty curve
  • Unlock fun upgrades which will help you achieve higher scores
  • Complete challenges to unlock even more upgrades
  • Variety of game modes to keep things interesting



  • No background music or sound effects


Final Words

Falling Dots is one of those games which really drives home the point that you don’t necessarily need flashy graphics to make an entertaining and immersive gaming experience; all you really need is a solid concept which is well delivered; throw in a few extras and you’re good to go!

As I mentioned, the lack of audio is a bit of a disappointment but that’s really the only negative point I can think to make about Falling Dots. I actually prefer the no-frills approach which has resulted in more of an emphasis being placed on extra features like upgrades, challenges, and stats recording.

I’d definitely like to give this game a strong recommendation from my end, if for no other reason than it is so addictive and I’d like to know I’m not the only one who is utterly hooked!

Falling Dots

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.